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View Poll Results: Should I vent my stand?
Yes, it's benificial. 35 79.55%
No need... you noob. 4 9.09%
Ask Kien 7 15.91%
Multiple Choice Poll. Voters: 44. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 07-24-2014, 10:50 PM
byee byee is offline
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Venting is recommended especially if there's a sump.

My stand for my 45g cube is vented with 2x Cougar 120mm fans from NCIX. I bought a 4 pack of Cougar fans for $20 - 1200RPM 60.4CFM 17.7DB.

Since the cube is in the main part of our open floor plan, I'm running the fans at 9vdc vs 12vdc to run them even quieter.

I hope this helps!
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Old 07-25-2014, 12:41 AM
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neoh neoh is offline
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I use two fans in opposite corners of the stand. One blowing air in during the day, one blowing out at night:

It also speeds up depending on temperature. I have very little temperature fluctuation using this method during the summer - and don't use a chiller. It maintains my pH and provides good airflow.

Before it was just a sweat camp in the sump area, this definitely improved everything overall. My sump area is also completely enclosed, with a plastic vinyl backing to prevent excess humidity in the room and evaporation. It keeps the evaporation down, and my windows don't sweat (as much.) if it were an open back.
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