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Old 08-28-2013, 07:43 AM
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I've been in their shoes and it can be stressful and unforgiving and it is a volunteer position but we also have to remember this board has been around for over a dozen years and to have the same people in it modding and admining the board for that many years takes dedication and dare I say a certain amount of love to do what they have done.

This is one of the premiere boards on the net for info and I didn't come here to buy and sell I came to learn and that is what I have done. I. If you wanna bitch moan and whine by all means please join RC, Nano-reef, AA. You will be in nirvana then people go there to name call, whine and moan because they know mods and admins will not do much there.

The admins and mods have my full support on Canreef I will stand behind them all the way
My aquarium is nothing but a smorgasbord for my cats.....
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Old 08-28-2013, 11:57 AM
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It is nice to see long term moderators.

The mannerism and tone of this forum is a direct result of the great patience and discipline of these moderators.
Moderating, as with any position of authority, requires a thick skin and here they can be dealing with people from all walks of life.

Criticism can be a good thing too, if it leads to positive and innovative changes, so sometimes shortcomings need to be brought to the forefront.

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Old 08-28-2013, 01:24 PM
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I'll throw in my Kudo's to the mod's here as well. I can see why there isn't always consensus between members, vendors, mods and admin. We're all different and have our own needs and wants. And sometimes people get frustrated when it's perceived that those aren't being met.
But through all that I think the thoughts expressed have been fair and civilized and have struck a balance between differences.
Thanks to those on the forefront, and those in the background, for providing us this forum to share our passion (addiction) and to learn from one another.
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Old 08-28-2013, 01:55 PM
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Originally Posted by gregzz4 View Post
And you're sorry if you missed anyone, right ?
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Old 08-28-2013, 02:03 PM
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Thanks for that
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Old 08-28-2013, 02:09 PM
wreck wreck is offline
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canreef is a great site! thanks for the hard work in keepin it that way!
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Old 08-28-2013, 02:16 PM
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Default Some people just don't get it.....

I think some people need to remember a few things...
I don't recall paying anything for the use of the forum.
I've benefitted greatly from using it, both in knowledge asked and left by people.
The ability to buy and sell both new(from venders) and used from other members.
I've met a lot of great people, willing to help out in a pinch. Whether it be feeding my fish and watching the tank while I was gone, or just sitting around BSing. A few of the people I've met through Canreef are now some of my closest friends.
If there's a need, and for me there has been on one or two occasions. Where a mod has had to step in and help and diffuse a situation, they're there quickly.
Some people have forgotten this, and seem to think that this forum is there own personal tool that should bend to their every wish.
I'd like everyone to think for one moment about this. What if this forum was to suddenly stop. Shutdown indefinitely. Then what? Where would you go to get the information and guidance that we've all used from this site at one time or another?
This forum, regardless of what others have said in the recent past, is possibly the best forum in Canada.
Here's what I think. If you think that things on this forum are that bad, move on.
And remember, this site doesn't run itself. The mods are the backbone of this forum and are needed.....
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Old 08-28-2013, 02:25 PM
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Originally Posted by The Codfather View Post
I think some people need to remember a few things...
I don't recall paying anything for the use of the forum.
I've benefitted greatly from using it, both in knowledge asked and left by people.
The ability to buy and sell both new(from venders) and used from other members.
I've met a lot of great people, willing to help out in a pinch. Whether it be feeding my fish and watching the tank while I was gone, or just sitting around BSing. A few of the people I've met through Canreef are now some of my closest friends.
If there's a need, and for me there has been on one or two occasions. Where a mod has had to step in and help and diffuse a situation, they're there quickly.
Some people have forgotten this, and seem to think that this forum is there own personal tool that should bend to their every wish.
I'd like everyone to think for one moment about this. What if this forum was to suddenly stop. Shutdown indefinitely. Then what? Where would you go to get the information and guidance that we've all used from this site at one time or another?
This forum, regardless of what others have said in the recent past, is possibly the best forum in Canada.
Here's what I think. If you think that things on this forum are that bad, move on.
And remember, this site doesn't run itself. The mods are the backbone of this forum and are needed.....

Well said. Well said.

I wouldn't know what to do with all of my spare time at work if Canreef were to suddenly dissapear... I would go nuts. Youtube can only provide me with so much entertainment!

They call it addiction for a reason...
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Old 08-28-2013, 02:30 PM
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Agree with all the positive comments made here about the mods. We have it very good here. Glad to see more of the silent majority speak up.

Also, I appreciate the level headed and common sense approach to some of the frivolous complaints and requests. The mods did not overreact or cave in, but instead offered clear explanations, without offense to anyone. That is a very mature approach, and the alternative would not have been pretty. We should all be very thankful of that.
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Last edited by Reef Pilot; 08-28-2013 at 02:42 PM.
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Old 08-28-2013, 02:40 PM
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As I just started keeping a marine tank I searched the internet high and low for a good place for information and friendly people. I have to say this is the best in terms of people and participation. As a newb I've felt very welcome here and people don't talk down to each other like they do on a lot of forums.

Keep up the good work everyone! Mods and members both.
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