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Old 06-26-2009, 05:19 PM
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that leather looks like a fine green finger i believe. Myka the kole looks alot happier too his/her colors are looking brighter. love the clam the one that i got from Bayside the baby squamosa i had to take it out of my tank and put it in Doug's 30 gal. It seems to have the pinched mantel look but the other clams that i have doesn't appear to have that problem. it happened to the other baby maxima that i had too.. Do you get that same problem?
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Old 06-26-2009, 05:32 PM
Red Coral Aquariums Red Coral Aquariums is offline
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Originally Posted by Myka View Post
SHE EATS!!! She's definitely not an aggressive eater, she only ate 2-3 pieces, but WHEW!! That's a relief!
She was in a tank by herself and she would eat then any left on sand would take later on.
Great to see but your right not an aggressive eater.
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Old 06-26-2009, 05:46 PM
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Originally Posted by asmodeus View Post
that leather looks like a fine green finger i believe. Myka the kole looks alot happier too his/her colors are looking brighter. love the clam the one that i got from Bayside the baby squamosa i had to take it out of my tank and put it in Doug's 30 gal. It seems to have the pinched mantel look but the other clams that i have doesn't appear to have that problem. it happened to the other baby maxima that i had too.. Do you get that same problem?
Bah! I liked the Kole when it was mostly yellow with the Kole stripes! I have since found a few pics here and there of Koles with the yellower markings as juvies, so I think it's uncommon, but not unheardof. It changed back to the current color before the move, and hasn't changed much (if at all?) since moving to the 90. He uses up the whole tank though...thinks it's ALL his! He has gotten to be much more of a prick since moving to the 90 than he ever was in the 33. He was a model citizen in the 33.

My Squamosa has never had a pinched mantel. I got mine from Red Coral though. It had been growing lots I think...about 1/4" along the shell's rim since I got it in mid March. This is my first clam though, and although I have done lots of research on them (for a couple years actually) I am no expert.

Originally Posted by Red Coral Aquariums
She was in a tank by herself and she would eat then any left on sand would take later on.
Great to see but your right not an aggressive eater.
Ya, she is really snoopy. She swims around the tank picking at the rocks and picking at the bottom of the tank, but has to look at something closely first before trying to eat it. Haha! Thanks again for this spectacular fish Kevin!
~ Mindy

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Old 06-28-2009, 04:11 AM
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Wow Mindy...the blue in the assessor really shows up under some better me thinking RG is the biggest wuss ever.....
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Old 07-08-2009, 02:49 AM
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LOL Doug!!! Oh come on, the Assessor is just so much nicer than a RG!

Well I finally got my @$$ in gear and did the aquascaping. From the time I started pulling corals out, rearranged all the rock (including zip ties and epoxy!!) to the time I had the corals all placed again was a whopping 8 1/2 hours! I knew it would be a big job...

I'm not sure how many lbs of rock I left in there until I weight up what's left over (to sell), but I'm guessing I have about 80 lbs. I will be putting a bunch in the sump too. I will need to re-home the Finger Leather since it doesn't have a place anymore, so it's hard to tell but there is a double archway on the left, and then a pile on the right. There is a nice swimming area between the pile and the arch, but the Finger Leather is in the way. It will be more defined when the Finger Leather is not in there anymore. I'm fairly happy with the layout...the fish spend a lot less time hiding. Quite often the Bangaii and the Assessor are out front which is really nice!

Just before I started ripping the tank apart I took a bunch of top down photos. I don't have a box for doing top downs, so they aren't the greatest, but top downs always show the nicest color!

The next steps will be sand, get the sump running, and finish the canopy wrap and stand door. Whew! Getting there...slowly.

Without further ado...the pics! Keep in mind the tank still isn't filled, so there will be another 6" of water above the highest point of the arch.

~ Mindy

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Last edited by Myka; 07-08-2009 at 02:58 AM.
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Old 07-08-2009, 02:58 AM
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I went a little nuts with the Euphyllia top downs.

~ Mindy

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Old 07-08-2009, 03:23 AM
Toxik Toxik is offline
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Wow, that's looking real nice. Good job
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Old 07-08-2009, 03:25 AM
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your yellow torch is making me drool.
i saw some on a different site, but it was 100 bucks a head
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Old 07-09-2009, 02:56 AM
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Thanks for the comments.

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~ Mindy

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Old 07-09-2009, 03:52 AM
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