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Old 12-20-2009, 01:31 AM
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Good to hear!
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Old 12-20-2009, 01:51 AM
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I need to see some pictures
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Old 12-21-2009, 07:04 PM
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Photos and a bit of an update.


The area for the stand is laid out.

It requires prepping and priming for the cement

Matia generally made a huge pain of herself throughout the whole process of dismantling the stand, moving it, and scrapping up as much tar paper as could be done by hand. She was annoyed we made her sit on the stairs.

We also completed our shopping list for everything we'll need between now and the start of stocking. I'm now just waiting for some of these items to come up for sale, or for them to be available on the buy/sell forums.

We can also now look forwards to placing the tank order after the holidays as the stand and floor will be ready at that point.
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Old 12-21-2009, 07:30 PM
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Beautiful dog When do plan on having the stand in place ? It looks great.

150g reef, 55g sump, T5's, Vertech 200A, Profilux III - German made is highly over rated, should just say Gerpan made.

Reefkeeper - individual obsessed with placing disturbing amounts of electricity and seawater in close proximity for the purpose of maintaining live coral reef organisms.
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Old 12-21-2009, 07:42 PM
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Probably in a couple of weeks. We're trying to take advantage of the Chinook and the associated warm weather. Right now the stand is in 5? pieces all over the basement. Hopefully tonight the rest of the tar-paper will be gone and the primer will be down, which means the cement can go down and cure over the holidays.

I've been itching to get going on this but, I had dental surgery that had to come out of my own pocket which put a hold on a lot of things. Now that its done and paid for, we can start moving along again.
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Old 12-21-2009, 09:48 PM
Richard_Dicosimo Richard_Dicosimo is offline
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Hey hope its not to late, but that black stuff on the ground is called black out it is a vct tile adhesive, you are not likely going to get it all out, and you don't really need to. I do hardwood flooring and i called the guys at my flooring company who do vct and lino and they said that all you should need to do in order to level the floor is just use a self leveling compound such as planipatch or ultra plan easy and just mix in a primer and it will adhere over top of the blackout. plus the advantage of using a self leveling compound is that you will only have to trowel the edges smooth the patch will level itself.

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Old 12-21-2009, 11:34 PM
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Good to know, your timing actually couldn't have been any more perfect. Kevin was just setting up to start another cleaning session. Now though he's just going to wash it down to get any remaining TCP off and then he'll prime it.

Thanks very much, I think you saved us quite a bit of time and effort! Its much appreciated.
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Old 12-21-2009, 11:38 PM
Richard_Dicosimo Richard_Dicosimo is offline
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Ya they guys at the shop said that the black out would have penetrated the concrete making it next to impossible to remove.
glad to have been able to help.

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Old 12-22-2009, 02:30 AM
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WOW this is one big project. As a welder/fabricator I must say that stand is sweet a**. Kudos to the builder.
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Old 12-22-2009, 02:54 AM
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There was primer....

Then there was cement...
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