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Old 01-04-2010, 04:15 AM
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Originally Posted by lastlight View Post
Oh you put the missing pieces back later. See that's no biggie at all. Just a really quick extra step =) Frame looks really nice!

yeah I guess I could have explained that part a little better eh?

Thanks, I'm really liking how the frame turned out. I'm so glad Dez found that Ikea mirror! Way to go Dez!
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Old 02-22-2010, 02:03 AM
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So electrical work was done and we consolidated some stuff to get me a couple more circuits for the tank. Currently I have two circuits on either side of the tank with a planned third one that I haven't decided on a location for yet.

As well......

Light rack! Whee! Needs some paint and we're off to the races. I'm off on Friday so hopefully I can get this thing whipped into shape and ready to roll by then and then get it set up over the tank and move everything over for the weekend.

Oh and the tank may have fish in it. These guys followed me home

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Old 02-22-2010, 02:09 AM
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how much was the cab ride for the FISH LOL
180 starfire front, LPS, millipora
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Old 02-22-2010, 04:00 AM
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Bellus! Nice!
-- Tony
My next hobby will be flooding my basement while repeatedly banging my head against a brick wall and tearing up $100 bills. Whee!
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Old 02-22-2010, 05:30 AM
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The sliver of red on the Bellus is so BALLS. Nice score!
My 67 392 225 101 94 34 97 404 28 93 209 gallon reef.
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Old 02-22-2010, 03:28 PM
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Yeah, the lighting on that tank is ambient plus a 65W CF unit I found in a box so the pics aren't that great but she really is quite stunning. I can't wait to get another and watch one of them change
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Old 02-22-2010, 04:26 PM
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Great Job! It sure takes a while to get the job done properly, but you did an awesome job! It looks like I have quite a bit to learn before I can say I am advanced in the hobby.
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Old 02-24-2010, 03:51 AM
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LOL, ok this has been my last 24 hours or so, tank-wise.

Yesterday, race home after work to paint newly acquired light rack in the waning sunlight hours. Put cardboard on lawn to keep grass from attaching itself, set light rack on cardboard, get a coat of paint on, watch time to get second coat of paint before I have to race off to a cooking class. Come home, rescue light rack from cold and bring inside. Turn off skimmers as paint still smells to high heaven. Paint doesn't dry well at 5 degrees.

This am, look at light rack, not too shabby, couple spots look thin, maybe I'll get another coat of paint tonight. Turn room light on to provide ambient light for fish in new tank. Make sure new fish haven't jumped out (paranoia).

Afternoon...raining. No extra coat of paint (its spray paint and I need like a 30ft radius of nothing nearby as apparently I'm quite liberal with the paint). Phooey!

Come home after work, new wrasse deader than a doornail. WTF? Unimpressed. I loved that fish the second I clapped eyes on it. FML

Pout for awhile. Lets get this light in order. Ok, drill holes to insert eye bolts for hanging....drill useless, I'm gonna be standing here half the night to get one hole drilled. Set battery to recharge. Don't people use corded drills anymore? Matt finds me a corded drill and drills the holes for me and goes back to the hockey game.

Look up at beams. Hmm, they're not where I want them to be. Guess I'm gonna have to drill more holes. Lets place the rack where I want it and see where it measures up.

Hmm, rack doesn't seem to fit. WTF? Get out tape measure, rack is 72.5 inches long. $%#! I forgot the tank is set into the wall at the front and framed at exactly 72 inches. Guess I should have stressed that point. Go upstairs and eat dinner while pouting

Matt suggests cutting the edges of the "feet" tabs off as they're hanging over quite a bit. Solution! This proves to be more difficult than expected. Hacksaw seems to be missing. While he goes on the hunt, I figure I might as well splice the mogul socket onto the special plug that goes into the ballast. Seems easy enough. Trim off the plastic, get the wires set up. Where are the murets? Over there. Ok I'll just take the cords over there. %$#! Forgot the porcelain mogul socket is attached to the cord. Porcelain and concrete are two things that shouldn't meet at high velocity. Its now in two big pieces and fifty billion little ones. Awesome. Get out crazy glue, glue big pieces back on and finger to other part of mogul. Get finger off mogul, finger sticks to thumb. Me and crazy glue, yeah we're a good time.

Ok, most of the mogul socket is on there, good enough, what are the odds I'll cut myself on that sharp edge? Guess we'll find out later

Found the hacksaw, trim off the tab edges. Labour intensive and Matt takes care of that. Yay! It fits where I want it. Matt decides to place cross braces so I can hang it using the spots where I've already put the eyebolts in on the rack. Yay again!

While he's doing this I laugh to myself. He catches me laughing and I tell him that the eurobracing on this tank is quite wide. Wider than I figured. Not wider than I measured because I didn't measure it or take into accoun that there is only a 15" opening that doesn't have glass (ie each eurobrace is 4.5" wide). My reflectors are 14.5" wide. My VHOs are going to be brilliantly shining into the glass of the eurobracing. he just shakes his head.


Ok, time to call it a night. Sheesh.
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Old 02-24-2010, 03:52 AM
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Holler... more pics please
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Old 02-24-2010, 03:54 AM
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Of what? Theres nothing in it. At this point I'm afraid I might break the camera, or glue myself to it
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