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Old 12-14-2011, 04:09 PM
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These are the sorts of things that keep our type up at night. Good luck with your decisions (I'm sure we'll see all of them in there lol).
My 67 392 225 101 94 34 97 404 28 93 209 gallon reef.
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Old 12-14-2011, 05:21 PM
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Originally Posted by Chaloupa View Post
Yeah, we've tried that....but they still hang out on the left side...that's also where the door is into the store......but maybe I'll try it again! ANYTHING! LOL....unless they're stuffed FULL they hang out there all the time!

On another note, really thinking I want a Powder Blue Tang in there, possibly try adding my Orange Shoulder again as he has grown well.....I have both tangs in the store....but should've done it when I put the tank back together.....I have 2 Yellow's that fight allllll the time....and the rest don't care...there's 6 in there but 2 have issues! Reason I want to add the Powder blue is that he is fat, healthy and we really don't have blue in the tank....I also want to add the blue spot jawfish we have but there is one area of the tank that is still uncovered and for sure he would get out! ARGH

Sarah What i have done with great sucess is having a mirror by one of the tanks. This will help withthe agressive tangs. It has worked flawless for me and others. might want to give it a try..
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Old 12-14-2011, 07:07 PM
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I use the mirror trick as well.

Another thing that I have had great success with is hanging a quarantine tank INSIDE the display tank.

Basically make a rectangular box out of acrylic about 24-40" long with slotted sides and bottom for water to flow in and out of. Put your new fish in there and let him and his tank mates adjust to him over a week. Basically like an acrylic shark cage. Keep the mirrors up at the same time.

314 gallon Drop Off Reef tank. 150 gallon sump. Bean Animal Overflow. Various Tangs, Angels, Triggers, Inverts, Corals, etc.
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Old 03-22-2014, 09:51 PM
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Oh Wavebox how I have missed you! I had an old Tunze Wavebox that I had traded to a customer, then he brought it back as "it didn't work"....well I didn't doubt him and put it away for a few years.....yesterday I dragged it out to figure out what was wrong...and NOTHING was!!!!!! So I put the Tunze Wavebox in the tank today.....and WOW the flow is so nice!!! I have 3 Vortech MP40 in there but I was lacking the random it's back and it's fantastic! I have also thinned out the coral quite a bit as the Vlaminigi Tang breaks EVERYTHING and we had a mishap and lost several SPS colonies...think it was the salt change (Oops). All levels are stable now, we're going to hook up the calcium reactor again and use Brightwell NeoMag in the reactor....back to basics and a bit of old school!

Fish List currently;

1 Vlamingi Tang (XL)
1 Blonde Naso Tang
1 Sailfin Tang
1 Purple Tang
4 Yellow Tang
1 Scopas x Yellow Tang
1 Regal Tang
1 Orange Shoulder Tang
1 Striated Bristletooth Tang (I hate this fish)
1 Foxface (the one that stung me...OUCH)
1 Potters Angel
1 Sixline Wrasse
1 Rhomboid Wrasse
1 Black Blenny
2 Premium Picasso Clownfish
1 Target Spot Mandarin (M)
1 Diamond Goby
1 Golden Dwarf Moray Eel

Sadly our 3 Hawaiian Flame Wrasse were killed by the Sixline Wrasse (NEVER EVER will I own one again....and I know what they're like but a good customer gave him to us in the hopes we'd keep him...*sigh*)...we've lost a Yellow Tang which I believe was cyanide caught as he never gained weight and was also sunken in the tummy, Tennenti Tang and the GORGEOUS Maculiceps Tang......but that's our losses.....

We do have 2-4 Pearlscale Butterflies intended for the tank to control aiptasia plus a those additions will happen once the Butterflies are out of QT. Otherwise, no changes have been made...and once it's growing well again I will post a's still a nice looking tank but whatever happened was nasty! We lost lots
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Old 03-22-2014, 10:31 PM
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Sucks to have such problems in such a gorgeous tank. My hubby was up there for work a few weeks ago, i was going to send him in to take a few pics but the trip was too quick Glad to hear this tank is still going, regardless of problems.

Now we need some updated photos.........
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Old 03-22-2014, 10:32 PM
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so sorry to hear about the loss of the mac... would have loved to see an update on him. any chance we can see some updated shots of the tank?
My 67 392 225 101 94 34 97 404 28 93 209 gallon reef.
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