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Old 06-23-2009, 05:23 PM
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Originally Posted by Myka View Post
Ya, there aren't very many blue fish, so guess away for the next hour while I'm acclimating.

I used to work for Big Eagle as a Vac hauler on the rigs in northern Alberta on the ice roads in the Cold Lake Air Weapons Range (bombing range). Now I am transferring 53' vans across town for Maple Leaf, but I put in my notice to go work for another Vac company doing local stuff including spraying roads for dust control.
Here's my guess, Bellus angel-female. That's my guess because I had one and she was a beauty and a beautiful blue color.

Okay, I had to ask because I've met a few people on here that are riggers and some that actually work for the same company as my husband. He works for Nexen.
96" x 16" x 16"//106g Skimmerless Reef, Established Jan. 13, 2012
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Old 06-23-2009, 05:24 PM
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Originally Posted by fishytime View Post
I could tell ya but Mindy would slap me.....hmmmmm
96" x 16" x 16"//106g Skimmerless Reef, Established Jan. 13, 2012
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Old 06-23-2009, 05:26 PM
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Can I make a second guess.......Blue Assessor
96" x 16" x 16"//106g Skimmerless Reef, Established Jan. 13, 2012
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Old 06-23-2009, 06:05 PM
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Ho hum yawwwwwwwwn..................
-- Tony
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Old 06-23-2009, 06:17 PM
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Originally Posted by noirsphynx
Here's my guess, Bellus angel-female. That's my guess because I had one and she was a beauty and a beautiful blue color.
Originally Posted by noirsphynx
Can I make a second guess.......Blue Assessor
Ok, either you've been paying attention to the fish I have on my want list, or you're a lucky guesser!! I will have a female Bellus as soon as I find a healthy specimen.

The second guess... DING! DING! Trying to get a pic now...s/he is swimming out in front already. Acclimated easily in the bag too. Wasn't even panting when it arrived.

Originally Posted by noirsphynx View Post
Okay, I had to ask because I've met a few people on here that are riggers and some that actually work for the same company as my husband. He works for Nexen.
I have never worked for Nexen, but my boyfriend worked for them last winter.

In the meantime while I'm trying to get a pic of the BLUE ASSESSOR (yay!), here's a few to look at. I'm experimenting with camera settings and I think I'm finally winning now.

Here is a pic of my new Pearly Jawfish (who is not eating yet...grr) that mistakenly came with a group order, and I got stuck with it. Oh darn. I want to put a harem in my tank though, and wanted to get them all at once, and wanted sand in my tank first, AND wanted to QT them with PraziPro since they always seem to be full of worms. BUT, all that and here I have an un-QT'ed, uneating, skinny little Jawfish. I hope he makes it.

Anyone care to ID this leather? From Bayside Corals in Saskatoon.

I've had these weird Blastos for about 1 1/2 years, and they hate me. I can never make them happy. Got them from a CanReefer.

I think I got this photo pretty good. Blastos from Red Coral in Calgary.

The fastest growing coral in my tank; Galaxea. It's been fragged many times. Never produces sweepers. Now where did I get it? I will have to think about this...I think this is the only coral that I don't remember where I got it from.

Multi-Blasto rock from Pet City in Kelowna.

My Duncans that grow terribly slow for me. Like I mean I've had them for over 2 years and they have only grown from 2 heads to 5. Although I think I did a pretty good on the photo.
~ Mindy

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Last edited by Myka; 06-23-2009 at 06:34 PM.
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Old 06-23-2009, 06:37 PM
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Is your tank covered? Jawfish are one of the worst fish out there for jumping, they'll jump if something in the room moves. They're incredibly shy, nervous fish and that's probably the reason he's not eating yet. They need a burrow where they can see 360 degrees around their burrow in order to start to relax and not feel threatened, they also need several inches of rubble substrate (ie not just sand) that they can burrow in and it not collapse.. Hate to suggest it, sorry, but you may want to consider selling him or give him away at this point to a tank where he can have that if that's not in your short term plans, otherwise I don't think he will be a long lived fish for you. I had a pair many many years ago (pushing ten) and while they were beautiful fish I do have to say you could really sense their misery when the setup is not 100% to their liking. It's not a fish I myself would try again unless I could have them in a smallish but dedicated setup for them that even included mirrors on the sides and backs so that room activity doesn't startle them.

And the mystery fish is a blue assessor eh? Neat. Looking forward to the pics..
-- Tony
My next hobby will be flooding my basement while repeatedly banging my head against a brick wall and tearing up $100 bills. Whee!

Last edited by Delphinus; 06-23-2009 at 06:39 PM.
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Old 06-23-2009, 06:38 PM
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The Kole Tang is being a prick to the Blue Assessor. I can't get a pic right now. So I will attach a photo of "one in general". But, WOW are they ever nicer in person than in photos!! I've heard this before, but really photos do no justice, it just GLOWS under the actinics, I didn't expect that!!

I just fed the tank PE Mysis with a drop of fresh squeezed garlic. I blew a bunch at the Jawfish, and he grabbed a few pieces, but spit them out immediately. He is very active though, so I have hope yet. The Kole couldn't care less about him.

~ Mindy

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Last edited by Myka; 06-23-2009 at 06:51 PM.
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Old 06-23-2009, 06:39 PM
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Originally Posted by Myka View Post
Ok, either you've been paying attention to the fish I have on my want list, or you're a lucky guesser!! I will have a female Bellus as soon as I find a healthy specimen.

The second guess... DING! DING! Trying to get a pic now...s/he is swimming out in front already. Acclimated easily in the bag too. Wasn't even panting when it arrived.
Yay, I guessed right . Can't wait for pics. My Bellus was a beauty but I had to part with her because my new tank is too small for her . She was the only fish I truly didn't want to part with.
96" x 16" x 16"//106g Skimmerless Reef, Established Jan. 13, 2012
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Old 06-23-2009, 06:40 PM
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Originally Posted by Myka View Post
The Kole Tang is being a prick to the Blue Assessor.
My Kole was the same way to ALL new fish. I used a mirror to deter him for a few days and it worked like a charm everytime.
96" x 16" x 16"//106g Skimmerless Reef, Established Jan. 13, 2012
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Old 06-23-2009, 06:42 PM
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None of my fish ever cared about the jawfish in their tank. The jawfish on the other hand, hated all the fish in my tank. They gleefully ignored him but he would just freak out if they swam too close. Yeah .. nice looking fish but I really don't miss the stress I felt when I had them. Rather particular needs. I know it sucks to put a recommendation to give a fish away in your tank thread, but between their particular needs, and his coming in by accident, and your tank being BB, I do sorta stick by it. Or set up a new tank. (Come on, you know you want to anyhow... )
-- Tony
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