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Old 01-30-2009, 08:16 AM
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... well your stony corals look great which gets the hard part out of the way.

The other corals just need to adjust.
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Old 01-30-2009, 09:52 AM
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I just read this about the cyano and it was me that told you if you use red slime remover you can kiss the purple ribbon gorg goodbye!!

red slime and chemiclean are similiar and when I used it I lost the PRG faster than my car speeds from 0-60, well not really but it was gone the next day melted anyhow if you're going to try this maybe lemme hold onto to the PRG and the other purple gorg until your water is good again or alternatively lemme buy the purple gorg off you. On a side note the other yellow one will survive forsure.

Why didn't you and christie try sugar?

I had good experiences with this and all cyano was gone in 3 days....

does sugar have any adverse effects with zeo?

anyhow lemme know if you are gonna use the bacterial way to rid cyano as I'll make sure the gorgs survive in my tank!!
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Old 01-30-2009, 11:09 AM
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That's really odd Tang Daddy, I'm sorry that running cyano remover seemed to impact your gorgs like that. On the flip side from your experience is that I have probably easily around 12 gorgonian species (in some cases 2-3 different individuals of the same species) represented including purple ribbon, bippinnate plume and purple plume and none have ever shown an adverse reaction to any cyano treatment I've ever done. In fact they tended to respond positively because cyano will eventually stifle and suffocate them.

Two things to keep in mind with gorgonians, one, they are subject to bacterial and fungal infections just like anything else; two, they do shed quite frequently. I have some that shed more than once per week. Others maybe around 2-4 weeks. This can last anywhere from 1 day to a week, and during this time they can look pretty rough if you don't realize this is what's going on.

Anyhow they definitely don't appreciate cyano on them, shedding can sometimes get it off on its own, but it's better if we can take a turkey baster and blow it off if you notice it starting to stick to them.

Just my $0.02.
-- Tony
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Last edited by Delphinus; 01-30-2009 at 11:11 AM.
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Old 01-30-2009, 11:16 AM
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Also FWIW when I ran Zeo I didn't notice any negative reaction on the part of my gorgonians. In fact overall, running Zeo should benefit them because the low nutrient environment will afford you more feeding opportunities which makes a HUGE difference with gorgs.

GSP, are you feeding your tank Cyclops or anything like that, for the benefit of the gorgs?
-- Tony
My next hobby will be flooding my basement while repeatedly banging my head against a brick wall and tearing up $100 bills. Whee!
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Old 01-30-2009, 02:56 PM
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Have you been dosing with the coral snow? When I started dosing with it, the little bit of red slime I had started reseeding.
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Old 01-30-2009, 03:57 PM
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What is the Koralia 4 mod that you are using?

Nevermind got it. I take you used the sure flow mod . It apparently fits directly in place of the original prop and shaft.


Last edited by Chowder; 01-30-2009 at 04:19 PM. Reason: found info
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Old 01-30-2009, 04:21 PM
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Originally Posted by tang daddy View Post
I just read this about the cyano and it was me that told you if you use red slime remover you can kiss the purple ribbon gorg goodbye!!

red slime and chemiclean are similiar and when I used it I lost the PRG faster than my car speeds from 0-60, well not really but it was gone the next day melted anyhow if you're going to try this maybe lemme hold onto to the PRG and the other purple gorg until your water is good again or alternatively lemme buy the purple gorg off you. On a side note the other yellow one will survive forsure.

Why didn't you and christie try sugar?

I had good experiences with this and all cyano was gone in 3 days....

does sugar have any adverse effects with zeo?

anyhow lemme know if you are gonna use the bacterial way to rid cyano as I'll make sure the gorgs survive in my tank!!
I have no idea about the sugar thing. I heard it works though...just don't know about with ZEO. I am not using any chemicals yet to deal with the cyano but I do, I will talk to you about the gorgonians.

Originally Posted by Jack View Post
... well your stony corals look great which gets the hard part out of the way.

The other corals just need to adjust.
Thats pretty much what I figured. I am happy about the sps so far and as long as the softies hang in there for now, then I am going to leave things as they are. I haven't started feeding the corals yet and I think once I do that, they will be fine.

Originally Posted by Delphinus View Post
Also FWIW when I ran Zeo I didn't notice any negative reaction on the part of my gorgonians. In fact overall, running Zeo should benefit them because the low nutrient environment will afford you more feeding opportunities which makes a HUGE difference with gorgs.

GSP, are you feeding your tank Cyclops or anything like that, for the benefit of the gorgs?
Not yet. I was waiting for nutrients to drop a bit since I have such a high bioload as is. I am going to start soon though. That should make a difference.

Originally Posted by fishytime View Post
Have you been dosing with the coral snow? When I started dosing with it, the little bit of red slime I had started reseeding.
This is the first thing I am going to try before anything else. I am going to J&L today to get the coral snow. Hopefully this will work.

Originally Posted by Chowder View Post
What is the Koralia 4 mod that you are using?

Just simply using the Sureflow Mod designed for the Maxijets. You have to take the actual prop from the original Koralia apart and use the magnet from the Sureflow Mod kit one along with the white propeller.

Many people seem to of had problems with them spinning the wrong way but mine work fine. Once in a while they will go the wrong way (only at start up) but then its just a matter of unplugging it and plugging it back in. So you couldn't use them on a wavemaker or anything but they rock with the mod. Much better than the maxijets with that mod, IMO.
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Old 01-30-2009, 04:22 PM
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Originally Posted by Chowder View Post
What is the Koralia 4 mod that you are using?

Nevermind got it. I take you used the sure flow mod . It apparently fits directly in place of the original prop and shaft.

Yup but you have to change the magnet too
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Old 01-30-2009, 04:54 PM
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Thanks . I found it shortly after I posted .
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Old 01-30-2009, 06:18 PM
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Took some pictures before lights on this morning.

Its interesting how this coral has almost none of its usual color (its the blueish purple acro in previous posts). I figured it was because of the flash but even when I look at it without a flash, its hard to see any blue or purple...its just kind of a dull brown like this.

I have watched this coral carefully and the long polyps that extend from the tips (not extended in the pic below) are almost always on schedule...they extend right at 12 with lights out and retract by 6am. These were taken at about 10 am and you can see it has all other polyps extended still but not the big ones on the tips. Do these polyps have a name???

I rarely get a good picture of my Yellow Tang even though he is so friendly and stays still. So here:

And the Naso posing infront of some dirty glass

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