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Old 07-21-2013, 05:49 AM
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Originally Posted by JDigital View Post
I contribute this ALL to the MH lights. I never expected to have temp swings that large with over 200G in water volume in an Air Cond. building. I think right now my only option it to pick up a couple cheapo fans to mount next to the lights to blow the hot air away from the tank.
My office shuts off the AC over the weekend. When Monday rolls around the office is stinking hot!

My temp swings from 77 to 81 daily during the summer. I keep meaning to bump the low end to 78 or 79 to reduce the swing but I've been too busy (lazy) to get around to that, even though it's a fairly simple thing to do and I could have easily finished doing it in the time it took me to type up this post (that's how lazy I am). I think the important thing is that: 1. the temp doesn't climb too fast, which it typically doesn't. 2. The temp doesn't stay at the high end for too long, again, it doesn't. I hit 80/81 at around 6 or 7pm, and then the halides cut out at 8pm. Anyway, my corals seem to be fine with it.
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Old 07-21-2013, 02:50 PM
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Originally Posted by kien View Post
My office shuts off the AC over the weekend. When Monday rolls around the office is stinking hot!

My temp swings from 77 to 81 daily during the summer. I keep meaning to bump the low end to 78 or 79 to reduce the swing but I've been too busy (lazy) to get around to that, even though it's a fairly simple thing to do and I could have easily finished doing it in the time it took me to type up this post (that's how lazy I am). I think the important thing is that: 1. the temp doesn't climb too fast, which it typically doesn't. 2. The temp doesn't stay at the high end for too long, again, it doesn't. I hit 80/81 at around 6 or 7pm, and then the halides cut out at 8pm. Anyway, my corals seem to be fine with it.

I actually gave some thought to raising the low end of the temp up as well, but then thought that the temp would actually get higher (82-84) seeing as your starting temp in the morning is already higher.

I'm currently about the same as you. My low temp of 77-78 in the morning (7am) and raises to about 81-82 by around 4:30-5pm when the lights shut off..
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Old 08-14-2013, 08:11 PM
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Couple Vids showing off the tank. Taken this morning so some of the corals were still opening.
180G Office Reef. Started Sept 2012

62G Starfire Reef. Started Jan 2013

Last edited by JDigital; 08-14-2013 at 08:18 PM.
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Old 08-18-2013, 05:27 AM
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Added 2 new fish today to this tank. I didn't get a video or photo of the other one so I will leave it a secret until I can.

This guy is a little shy right now but I was able to record a short clip of him.
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Old 08-21-2013, 02:35 AM
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Well, here is the "secret" fish I bought. I've already kissed the Open Brain in the tank goodbye. Really it was the only coral that didn't cross my mind when I was pondering the decision in the LFS. Thankfully, its the only coral that she has looked at or picked at so far. *Knock on Glass*!

Queen Angel:

And here is another short 1min clip of the tank with the 2 new habitats in there.

**MODS: Can we embed Youtube on this forum?
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Old 08-21-2013, 06:34 AM
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Originally Posted by JDigital View Post
Can we embed Youtube on this forum?
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Old 08-21-2013, 06:38 AM
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Originally Posted by JDigital View Post
I actually gave some thought to raising the low end of the temp up as well, but then thought that the temp would actually get higher (82-84) seeing as your starting temp in the morning is already higher.
This is true and I know it from experience. Raising the lower threshold 2 degrees made the peak temp the same amount higher. The lower normal temp is like a buffer when the temperature of the room is higher than your tank. The tank's going to gradually get hotter the entire time the lights are on / room heats up. The swing is the same but at least you peak lower if you keep your original lower low temp.
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Old 08-21-2013, 01:04 PM
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Originally Posted by lastlight View Post
This is true and I know it from experience. Raising the lower threshold 2 degrees made the peak temp the same amount higher. The lower normal temp is like a buffer when the temperature of the room is higher than your tank. The tank's going to gradually get hotter the entire time the lights are on / room heats up. The swing is the same but at least you peak lower if you keep your original lower low temp.
I actually tinkered around with my lighting schedule on the weekend and changed the low end temp to be lower before the heater kicks on. I've seen a drop in the low end temp over the last 2 days of 1 degree per day, which as of yesterday helped keep my tank below 80 degrees (79.7!) Yesterday actually to my Apex the temp went from 76.7->79.7.

Either way I'm looking to switch to T5s soon.
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Old 08-21-2013, 02:18 PM
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I'm digging all the videos! The Queen is beautiful! Although I did notice how much your Orange shoulder has grown too.
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Old 08-21-2013, 08:31 PM
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Originally Posted by michika View Post
I'm digging all the videos! The Queen is beautiful! Although I did notice how much your Orange shoulder has grown too.

Yea the Queen is sexy! (When she's not eating my Open Brain) Going to have some amazing color as an adult!

See, I've noticed much more growth from the Sailfin than I have from the Orange Shoulder personally. Although I have noticed the juvenile colors of the orange shoulder are disappearing as he was fairly yellow when I got him and now he's starting to get his shades of grey. I try and use the Foxface as my growth marker as I feel he has slowed his growth quite a bit.
180G Office Reef. Started Sept 2012

62G Starfire Reef. Started Jan 2013
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