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Old 11-10-2013, 03:37 PM
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Well update time..
Its been a busy couple weeks of progress. Moved a lot more coral and rocks over from the 29. Caught 3 of there chromis (at night pretty funny) and moved them over now all 5 of them schooling around in the new tank.
Checked parameters and did my first water change which is a lot easier on this tank cause I used to have to clean a canister filter every week on the 29 gallon. Cheeto has doubled! in the sump

Ordered a CUC and some wrasses and goby which came in saturday. We are at the gross diatom bloom stage which the CUC is loving but its all been going good. And now for some pics complete with diatoms lol
Current tank---125 gallon mixed reef 60 gallon sump, Reef octopus nw200 skimmer, Rapid LEDs, Maxspec gyre, Mp10s, Fuge, Biweekly 20% WC, QT everything
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Old 11-10-2013, 03:39 PM
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Current tank---125 gallon mixed reef 60 gallon sump, Reef octopus nw200 skimmer, Rapid LEDs, Maxspec gyre, Mp10s, Fuge, Biweekly 20% WC, QT everything
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Old 11-23-2013, 02:28 PM
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Well, Been a while for updated so here goes, Tank has been doing awesome parameters are basically perfect tho the mag is a little low today but its water change day tomorrow so thats fine, Need to clean up the wires still a bit more and move the Reef controller over now that the 29 is shut down, i moved the last of the rocks and mandarin and bubble tip over i was a bit nervous but the mandarin is sniping pods all over the rocks and the fugue is full of them so she should be good and the bubble tip nestled in a rock right in the front and is all open so its all working out.

Planning a trip into the city for some coral and a few more fish, Thinking maybe some anthinas and a kole tang for starters and possibly goby and pistol shrimp pair. Going to keep the 29 up and running for a QT tank probably.

And i need to find some mesh filter socks, the felt ones are a little to fine and I'm changing them every few days i think thats a little much the mesh ones should be fine for the polishing i want to do

Anyway here is more more pictures
Current tank---125 gallon mixed reef 60 gallon sump, Reef octopus nw200 skimmer, Rapid LEDs, Maxspec gyre, Mp10s, Fuge, Biweekly 20% WC, QT everything
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Old 11-23-2013, 02:38 PM
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Scroll up and Look at the Cheeto growth in like a month and a half!

Current tank---125 gallon mixed reef 60 gallon sump, Reef octopus nw200 skimmer, Rapid LEDs, Maxspec gyre, Mp10s, Fuge, Biweekly 20% WC, QT everything
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Old 11-28-2013, 03:53 PM
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Well I feel like I'm officially a reefer now... Got some tangs and new additions
Kole Tang
Naso Tang
2 Female Lyretail Anthias
1 male Lyretail Anthias
Copperband Butterfly
Christmas Wrasse

Things Doing good parameters are spot on minus last week Mag was a little low 1260 close to WC time. I got a little bit of new tank cyan happening but the snails and hermits are mowing it up and it looks like its thinning now so

Current tank---125 gallon mixed reef 60 gallon sump, Reef octopus nw200 skimmer, Rapid LEDs, Maxspec gyre, Mp10s, Fuge, Biweekly 20% WC, QT everything
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Old 11-28-2013, 03:53 PM
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Current tank---125 gallon mixed reef 60 gallon sump, Reef octopus nw200 skimmer, Rapid LEDs, Maxspec gyre, Mp10s, Fuge, Biweekly 20% WC, QT everything
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Old 11-28-2013, 04:19 PM
reefwars reefwars is offline
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Looking good Craig buddy keep that copper fat and good luck not an easy fish to care.for
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Old 11-28-2013, 04:23 PM
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looks great buds , but the disco effect is crazy. what lights are thou.
180 starfire front, LPS, millipora
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Old 11-28-2013, 04:35 PM
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Copper is eating all frozen wooooo

And the lights are NOT like that my camera is stupid and pics up the colours all wrong They are rapid LED lights
Current tank---125 gallon mixed reef 60 gallon sump, Reef octopus nw200 skimmer, Rapid LEDs, Maxspec gyre, Mp10s, Fuge, Biweekly 20% WC, QT everything
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Old 12-07-2013, 03:47 AM
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Well... Copper died today, idk why but he had stopped eating for the last few days, we was eating for the first 4-5 days and heating aphasia and picking off the rocks but then stopped eating the shrimp and nothing i could do to keep him

sucky but I've heard they can be temperamental sometimes like that
Current tank---125 gallon mixed reef 60 gallon sump, Reef octopus nw200 skimmer, Rapid LEDs, Maxspec gyre, Mp10s, Fuge, Biweekly 20% WC, QT everything
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