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Old 06-15-2012, 06:42 PM
Ginu Ginu is offline
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Originally Posted by Snaz View Post
My zoa is getting worse. All of the polyps are now closed and the top left one in this picture had expelled it's contents. How are your zoas doing, improving or worsening?

Well i got 5 zoas/palys and out of the 5 only three are trying to open up (questionable if they will survive) and two are completely closed and i dont for-see them coming back to live anytime soon...
- the two hammers are awesome (translucent and purple tip - I think they will only get better with time)
- teal and white acan is doing mighty well (I got 4 heads instead of 3 with two baby heads growing on the sides and now I got a acan fever; must get me more)
- orange ric is doing well, just a little on the small side compared to the multicolored one i got last order (I like rics and this guy will only get bigger over time)

I would say that out of the 5 zoas/pallys ordered
- one is perfectly fine and looks gorgeous (I think its the mean reds)
- two are questionable (La Lakers and another)
- two are pretty dead (waiting for them to completely shrivel up, blue eyed blondes and I'm assuming devils breath)

I will post the some pictures up tomorrow as I will most likely get home after the lights go off tonight. I'm also wondering how is that zoas/pallys have issues surviving for a day... its a pity because Burc has some really nice stuff....
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Old 06-15-2012, 06:56 PM
tripsandfalls tripsandfalls is offline
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For what it's worth, from my last order... My watermelon zoas opened up right away, but they're a notoriously hardy strain...

My boiling reds actually took about a week to fully open up, but now they look good.
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Old 06-15-2012, 07:20 PM
Kryos Kryos is offline
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My Devil's Breath hasn't opened up either, the one that was hollow is now rotting away, the other two are just shut closed... Again, don't have my hopes up....

Acan is looking well, even tho it's not true to the representation. Also, Burc said that mine came with the Purple Base Acan that Coasting got and to wait a week to see if it changes color (yea... I doubt that; even if it does change color, it's still not going to look like the one I ordered)

As for the orange rics, they actually weren't mine, I just ordered for a friend, haven't gotten an update from him.

Last edited by Kryos; 06-15-2012 at 07:35 PM.
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Old 06-15-2012, 07:23 PM
Ginu Ginu is offline
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Originally Posted by tripsandfalls View Post
For what it's worth, from my last order... My watermelon zoas opened up right away, but they're a notoriously hardy strain...

My boiling reds actually took about a week to fully open up, but now they look good.

Yep my watermellons from last order did quite well as well and i really dig their color although im starting to think it might be due to their frag size? my watermelon frag was quite large with 15-20 heads on it.
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Old 06-15-2012, 07:30 PM
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If you guys want Zoas, Ill sell you all mine so I can make room for more Acans

I'd say give it more time before you full write them off. Maybe our order got banged around a little extra during shipping? 2 of my acans were damaged, still survived but kinda shows there was some rough handling at some point. Blame Fedex?
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Old 06-15-2012, 07:33 PM
Ginu Ginu is offline
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Originally Posted by Coasting View Post
If you guys want Zoas, Ill sell you all mine so I can make room for more Acans

I'd say give it more time before you full write them off. Maybe our order got banged around a little extra during shipping? 2 of my acans were damaged, still survived but kinda shows there was some rough handling at some point. Blame Fedex?

I have to admit I love my little 4 headed teal and white acan and i will definitely get me some more

What kind of zoas do you have?
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Old 06-15-2012, 08:17 PM
Paigee Paigee is offline
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Sucks that everyone's zoas aren't doing too hot... Maybe it did get banged up or something. I got pink/teal paly's on the last order, came with 15-20 heads and they're all good. Shame
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Old 06-15-2012, 09:49 PM
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Originally Posted by Ginu View Post
I have to admit I love my little 4 headed teal and white acan and i will definitely get me some more

What kind of zoas do you have?

Probably none that anyone would actually want lol.

Only have 4 kinds, single frag size, no idea what they actually are.
These are the only ones that wouldn't have to be chisled off my LR.... Thats the last time I use epoxy.

Got some pinkish ones, Redish ones, and some that have a bright orange center.

Had 2 dime sized frags of Sympodium, but the stupid snails moved one, now I can't find it.

I would give your zoas a few more days at least. I'm sure Burc will still make things right... And I know we'll end up doing another order. I already have another $150 worth of coral picked out so it wont take much to hit $300
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Old 06-15-2012, 10:38 PM
Ginu Ginu is offline
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Ooo the ones below are very pretty and your picture skills are awesome (I'm sure I've mentioned that before)... I really need to get me a macro type of lens... My telezoom lens just don't cut it unfortunately and macro lens are not cheap by any means either...

How much for a frag of those? That's a color I don't have in the tank.

Originally Posted by Coasting View Post
Probably none that anyone would actually want lol.

Only have 4 kinds, single frag size, no idea what they actually are.
These are the only ones that wouldn't have to be chisled off my LR.... Thats the last time I use epoxy.

Got some pinkish ones, Redish ones, and some that have a bright orange center.

Had 2 dime sized frags of Sympodium, but the stupid snails moved one, now I can't find it.

I would give your zoas a few more days at least. I'm sure Burc will still make things right... And I know we'll end up doing another order. I already have another $150 worth of coral picked out so it wont take much to hit $300
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Last edited by Ginu; 06-15-2012 at 10:46 PM.
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Old 06-15-2012, 11:56 PM
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Yeah, I bought mine during Broadway Cameras boxing week sale. Still expensive but at least some sort of discount. I just dont like how the image still looks blurry, its the bowed glass

No idea what I would want for them, Zoas aren't as exciting to me anymore, especially now that i've discovered other coral I like.... What do you think their worth :P Gotta fund the fun stuff! Wish I could make the frag swap to unload them

Kryos - My purple base acans are less blue/purple and more redish today, colour definatly changing. But still not stripy like yours. I know the pics he has on the website were very recent as of the coral arriving, so the corals are bound to look different a few days after arrival as compared to the website. But your's are definatly different.
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