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Old 03-24-2009, 11:54 PM
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Originally Posted by VFX View Post
Hiro in Heros
You got it
I guess that one went over some heads. Just out of curiosity since we are now gonna move this to bashing J&L......... does any one person want to tell the rest of us why they got fired from J&L?
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Old 03-24-2009, 11:56 PM
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No, we're not bashing anyone. And I got fired for setting the fishies free in English Bay. Oh well.
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Old 03-25-2009, 12:03 AM
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Talking Guide

I am in favour of a guide........but there are lots of guides and information all over the internet. I have now purchased at least 8 saltwater fish and coral/inverts books and have read all Myka's guides and most of Randy Holmes-Farley's papers. (And I have never taken as much tylenol as I have in the last month!!)

People get excited over the fish "not to keep". Then you see that guy with fish galore and he is doing well with them. Some people say "you cannot keep these fish" but others have and are still doing fine. There are exceptions to all the rules of life.

So what does this come down to: Some of us will try to keep some of those "hard to keep fish" and some of them will die, and some will do well. The owners of the dead fish will spout all the "hard to keep fish" a couple of years from now and all the newbie’s will have to go out on there own, confused as we are now. (not that all red list specimens are in danger of newbie purchases)

WHY? Its human nature and that’s how HUMANS learn, not matter how much literature we read or are told by people that have grand experience. (That book smart VS real life experience syndrome)...of course there are just the rebels of the forum - you know who you are!!

There is no sense in getting worked up about it.

If we keep having people judging everyone’s tanks no one will want to post here anymore.

Hey....hold on here.....ok....I see the conspiracy now!!!

Seriously, please treat people the way you want to be treated. (I have read this more than once) and I see newbie’s sticking up for others on here now. That’s just weird.....are we not just the little people!!! I must have missed the memo!

Have Fun and keep Reefing!

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Old 03-25-2009, 12:03 AM
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Oh what Brad (Aquattro), no "Rogue Reef Bully" for me??? Oh I so sad now Brad... :'(
~ Mindy

SPS fanatic.

Last edited by Myka; 03-25-2009 at 12:05 AM.
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Old 03-25-2009, 12:08 AM
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Originally Posted by naesco View Post
Instead of posting this drivel, you, Marie and others should be coming to the defense of Myka and the efforts of others to develop a red and yellow list and applauding Myka for the efforts Myka has made to assist reefers.
There will be a red and yellow list on this board for the benefit of all reefs

Tell us, Marie is the powder brown tang nigricans still alive?

As I see it, it is this kind of statement that makes this whole list idea unfeasible. Some people are too quick to chastise somebody, and use too sharp a tongue when doing so. There may be underlying circumstances as to why a person may have purchased a certain animal:

eg. Marie stated that the fish was sent to her in error. She didn't order that fish. (Besides which, Marie is an experienced hobbyist and has several difficult species thriving in her tank.)

eg. I bought a Mandarin Dragonet when my tank was only 6 months old. Did I think my tank was ready for it? No. I didn't particularly even want the fish. I purchased the fish from an LFS because it had been sitting in a tank for 2 weeks without any live rock and was wasting away. I brought the fish home and over the next 6 months I purchased 7 bottles of Tigger pods to keep a decent pod population going. I have had him now for over a year and he is healthy and fit, without as far as I know ever eating any prepared foods. Yet, I've received hell on more than one occasion for owning a Mandarin.

eg. I bought a 3" Sailfin Tang for my 90 gal tank. Sure enough, I caught hell for it: "It'll grow too large for your 90 and you won't get a bigger tank for it". He's now about 6" and I have a 225 gal home for him.

The point I'm trying to make is that things are not always black and white, and jumping all over someone for an animal they may keep is why, IMO, although it may be a nice idea in theory, this "LIST" idea is not going to work.
225g reef
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Old 03-25-2009, 12:24 AM
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Guys, girls,


Yes you want to voice your opinion, and yes you probably think the other guys/girls opinion is wrong, but come on already.
You people are taking shots on each other, some of which don't even pertain to the topic,
and just voicing your opinion in a very immature way that no one really needs to read about on a public forum for all ages.

This thread was obviously made to help out people who are new to reef keeping, or even people who aren't new to the hobby, find out if fish that they want would be a suitable and responsible choice.
Not a 10 page long fight over your opinions.

I will be making no reply's if someone calls me out on this because i didn't reply to this thread for more fighting.

Mods, can you please get rid of this thread so canreef can be a more positive place?

And reefers, I personally think its kind of sad when a 13 year old has to tell you whats wrong.
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Old 03-25-2009, 12:27 AM
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Originally Posted by Myka View Post

You're a bit of an extremist aren't you? You're like the kettle calling the pot black. The red/yellow list for example, as I've already said is not a be all end all. The point of it is to help newbies, and if newbies are told "NO!" instead of "Well, maybe if you do this this this..." then that's not necessary a bad thing in many cases.

While reading this thread, I did see extremist attitudes. However, he did not come off sounding extreme. I'm not saying you did either. I'll leave it at that.
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Old 03-25-2009, 12:29 AM
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Originally Posted by karazy View Post
Guys, girls,


And reefers, I personally think its kind of sad when a 13 year old has to tell you whats wrong.

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Old 03-25-2009, 01:18 AM
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Originally Posted by Jason McK View Post
Chin Lee spends a great deal of time and energy maintaining the 'Fish Life Span' Polls
Christy Spent months creating a fish reference library
and none of it gets utilized to there potential. You say
But we have already spent exhaustive amounts of time gathering educational reference material so all canreef members can make informed purchases.

In my opinion (not the Mods of Canreef) a red list is rediculous. There will always be success stores and sad failure stories with advanced fish, corals, or inverts. So to say No you shouldn't keep X in an aquarium will never get collective agreement
I like the idea of a coloured list, for a sort of lazy person such as myself, it would be a quick and easy reference guide. No hunting through pages of information before finding out that the fish I might want isn't a good choice.

Originally Posted by karazy View Post
Guys, girls,


Yes you want to voice your opinion, and yes you probably think the other guys/girls opinion is wrong, but come on already.
You people are taking shots on each other, some of which don't even pertain to the topic,
and just voicing your opinion in a very immature way that no one really needs to read about on a public forum for all ages.

This thread was obviously made to help out people who are new to reef keeping, or even people who aren't new to the hobby, find out if fish that they want would be a suitable and responsible choice.
Not a 10 page long fight over your opinions.

I will be making no reply's if someone calls me out on this because i didn't reply to this thread for more fighting.

Mods, can you please get rid of this thread so canreef can be a more positive place?

And reefers, I personally think its kind of sad when a 13 year old has to tell you whats wrong.
Well said, but there is a lot of good info in this thread that I would hate to see lost.
One more fish should be ok?, right!!! - Laurie
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Old 03-25-2009, 01:26 AM
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There is good info, and I don't think we'll close it so far, but let's get back to positive input. Banners in 100 font is not needed either, it just fuels the fire. Please, let's be nice and positive, see if we can help new hobbyists make better choices.
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