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Old 01-04-2007, 02:51 AM
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I hope you had a good hoilday season. I Now have every thing set up except the leval sensor I did figure out the sensor holder though. Did you see my post asking about the power bar? I will recap just incase One of the out lets on one of the power bars seams to stick on some times the indicator LED goes out but there is still power to the outlet but only on this one outlet it dosent do it every time but once every 3 or 4 times any Ideas I have triple checked my programing and ir looks fine plus it dosent do it every time this is a head scracher. Now on to something completely differant (little Monty Python referance LOL) Do you have any of the propeler controlers? I bought the 5 fan propeler breeze just need the controler

Later Doug
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Old 01-04-2007, 04:31 AM
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no havent got it yet, but i'm going to have to i think. these 400w's really heat the tank

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Old 01-04-2007, 04:52 AM
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Im pretty sure its in the settings somewhere Doug.

Heres a couple thoughts, I have to reference them to my controller yet to be sure..but have to do that yet.

-You may have set this as "permanent" outlet.
-setting the number of days..i think this was correct when you where explaining this to me..but wanted to throw it out there.
-im unsure but also check the dimming curve settings, if they have been accidentally assigned to an outlet this can also influence the outlets,
aswell if "automatic operation" has been enabled.
this was a source of my initial trouble.
-Set for filter...this may have been a standard factory setting for that outlet or accidentally assigned...this will remain permanently on, im unsure if the timer only influences the LED in that case.

Anyways...i hope something will come up here.

Confucious say : Things that come to those who wait, will be things left over by those who didnt.
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Old 01-04-2007, 05:06 AM
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how do you put halides on a timer. all the manual talks about is dimmable lighting. i've selected an outlet to be set for lighting but i cant figure out how to put it on a timer without dimming

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Old 01-04-2007, 05:27 AM
Matthias Gross Matthias Gross is offline
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If you are following exactly the tutorials hints it should be possible to establish the connection. Till now we have several dozens of WLAN-Users, anyone got it running.
I wonder why you had connection with DeviceInstaller as mentioned in earlier posts - but now it seems DeviceInstaller does not find the device?
Important (this is mentioned in the tutorial):
1. The first connection (to do initial settings) must be done directly in any case, that means to establish an ad-hoc connection with the WLAN of your notebook, NOT with WLAN of a router or access point!! Then, if available, disconnect the LAN-interface of your notebook!! If there are several network interfaces available it could be possible that DeviceInstaller accesses the wrong one to search the PLM-WLAN.
2. Maybe you did some settings to the PLM-WLAN with the result it can't be found by your notebooks WLAN - in this case do the Reset WLAN to default
3. It is possible that another WLAN-device (router, another PC, ...) disturbes direct connection of PLM-WLAN to your notebooks WLAN -> deactivate any other WLAN-device!!
4.Firewall - sometimes a problem because DeviceInstaller must send broadcast messages to find any PLM-WLAN. Just deactivate the firewall for initial configuration!

After following these points DeviceInstaller should find the PLM-WLAN. If not - it may be possible that your notebooks WLAN-device is not compatible to PLM-WLAN. But - why did you have a connection before this?

I don't think this is a programming problem. When the LED is off the socket MUST be powerless. LED and switching relay are directly connected. And it seems your LED switches according to your programming.
Did you connect a heavy inductive load to this outlet (eg metal halide lamp)? In this case the fuse can't protect against damages and it might be possible that the relay has been damaged - then the contacts are not able to disconnect safely. You can test this:
When it again happens that the LED is off (LED off means control signal coming from ProfiLux is shut off) and the socket has power just knock onto the power bar. Do the contacts open?
And: Use another socket for the same task - does the socket power now follow your programming?

Good luck!

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Old 01-04-2007, 05:37 AM
Matthias Gross Matthias Gross is offline
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again @niloc16:
There are two ways to switch non-dimmable lamps programmatically.
1. Program a clock timer and assign the function clock timer to the socket
2. Program a dimming curve (of course knowing we don't have a dimmable unit) and only program 0% and 100% dimming points with shortest dimming duration (5mins). Then assign the lighting function to the socket.

The new firmware 3.00, released in some days, will differentiate between dimmable and non-dimmable lamps. Then the programming for non-dimmable lamps will be the same as for the clock timers. Another firmware extention will be the temperature dependend shut off for non-dimmable lamps (with delay for metal halides). And some more new features.

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Old 01-04-2007, 06:23 AM
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thanks matthias, i got my lighting figured out and timed. i calibrated and connected all my probes tonight, i'm suspecting i have the conductivity and redox probes swapped at the connectors because the tank reading for redox is 50ms and conductivity is 0. there was a post on here stating the conductivity connector went on the the post that sticks out of the card and i swore i connected it there but tomorrow i'll have to try again.

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Old 01-04-2007, 07:33 AM
Matthias Gross Matthias Gross is offline
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Please connect the redox probe to the upper BNC-plug and the cond. probe to the lower, outstanding plug.
You wrote "reading for redox is 50ms" - this is not possible, even if the probes would be swapped. ProfiLux does not mix units and information. ProfiLux displays for example "Redx1 100mV" OR "Cond1 50mS" but no mixture. I am rather sure - i programmed the firmware.

And: You would have recognized swapping of probes while is suspicious when the display does not show different values (the ADC-Value)for the two calibration points.

I am very sure we will get your complete system running next time!

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Old 01-04-2007, 04:48 PM
big blue big blue is offline
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Default Are you looking for your WLAN card in the right IP range?

@ niloc16: "when i go into device/installer it does not locate any lantronix device. and if does locate one after about 15 searches it will lose the connection during setup."

did you download the newest version of my tutorial as I wrote you? Follow again page 1 and 2 so you will see the card. Check if the device installer is really using the correct network as explained on top of page 3. With this methode you will for sure find the WLAN card.

I had the same problems when I was reprograming my card after I did the initial setup. After soft or hardreset of the WLAN card, the card has a total different range of IP as it had initally when you got it from fractory. This has to do with Windows and we all had to learn this the hard way as you do now.

We where looking at the first IP the WLAN card had, but it was not there. Only when you let your PC aquire automatically a new IP from your WLAN card by using DHCP the WLAN will tell you in witch IP range it is now hiding. But during doing this you must make sure that no other network (like your router or your LAN) is disturbing this process.

Last edited by big blue; 01-04-2007 at 04:51 PM.
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Old 01-05-2007, 02:55 AM
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thanks Matthias

the only thing that has been hooked up to this outlet is my Power compacts the metal halids are connected to the other power bar and have not had any trouble with that one I will try knocking on it next time it dose this is there any way I can fix it if this is the problem

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