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Old 10-16-2015, 01:59 PM
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Originally Posted by gregzz4 View Post
Thanks D but regrettably I haven't done enough work in the tank lately.
You can see the cyano on the rocks if you look closely enough at the pics
Dammed thing is I had it beat for a very long time.
I started using MB7 awhile back as an experiment to deal with algae and, as has happened to some others, it brought on the cyano. So I quit using it a couple weeks ago and now will have to pay the price for it.

Curse you Walter
Are you sure that is cyano on the rocks? The kind I used to get (many years ago) would be on the sand and just fluff off with a turkey baster. But there is also red algae that sticks hard to rocks and needs a toothbrush to remove (and even that isn't easy).

But if you do have cyano, am sure it was not caused by the MB7. On the contrary, it helps prevent cyano by seeding bacteria that out competes cyano. Of course you need to dose it correctly and be sure your MB7 is not "dead". I keep mine in the fridge. Also, it is NOT a cure (ie does not kill cyano), for that you need Chemiclean.

As you know, I have not had a cyano problem in my tank for almost 5 years now, since I started the MB7 regime. Before that it kept coming back and driving me nuts. The reason I am so certain it works, is that at the beginning I would occasionally see signs of it showing up again, and just increased the dosage again (and cleaned up the fluff) for a while and it would not reappear. And have been able to stay with the low dosage (1/2 the low dosage instruction amount) for many years now with never a problem.

So without knowing more about all your tank details (incl everything you dose and how much), I certainly can't explain what happened in your tank.

But aside from all that, Greg, your tank is looking very good to me. Very nice pics.
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Old 10-16-2015, 02:28 PM
The Guy The Guy is offline
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Originally Posted by gregzz4 View Post
Thanks guys !

Laurie LMK when you're coming out and you can come over for a scrape
next time I'm into J&L I'll give you a call Greg.
Hey! I never "LEFT" the hobby, just doing fresh water now. Which is still listed as part of Canreef if I'm not mistaken.
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Old 10-16-2015, 03:26 PM
Ginu Ginu is offline
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Was actually was just thinking about how your tank was doing and you posted an update. Looking good!
Casual reefer
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Old 10-16-2015, 07:20 PM
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Talk to you soon Laurie

Thank you Chris

Walter, I'm honestly not sure at this point if it is cyano or algae.
I need to get in there with a turkey baster and see what it is
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Old 10-18-2015, 01:34 AM
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Went to South Langley today to buy some truck parts so I stopped in at Ram3500's and checked out his tank for the first time.
What an awesome tank!!
Ian and I have known each other for I guess a few years now, but I've never seen his tank
All I can say is it's something you have to see for yourself as pictures don't do it justice.

We talked about all kinds of life and reef stuff, had a couple beers/jalapeno poppers, and I left with some unexpected frags. How can you leave a fellow reefer's home without some kind of frag or 2?
Too bad I'm not ready to spend the big bucks as he has some very nice stuff !!!

So last year Ian promised to sell me some of his critters once they grew.
The timing was awesome as we hadn't planned on me stopping by, but here we are and I have some frags that I can only describe as spectacular!!

Thanks Ian. And BTW, your floors are Awesome

Hawkins Echinata (only piece available right now)
I won't dip this one as the last one I got from Russell (whatcaneyedo) died due to me not knowing about killing it with dips .....

GARF Bansai (again only piece)

Purple rim Green Monti. I'm sure your could talk Ian out of large pieces of this fast grower

Last edited by Aquattro; 10-18-2015 at 02:27 AM.
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Old 10-18-2015, 04:39 AM
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Tank looks awesome Greg
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Old 11-15-2015, 01:05 AM
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Originally Posted by Madreefer View Post
Tank looks awesome Greg
Missed this
Thanks Bill !

Still dealing with unwanted slimy stuff/algae here/there and everywhere

Looking to replace some LR in the near future to make room for some of my larger colonies and new aquisitions
Thoughts are to remove corals I no longer desire, lower my structures to make room for growth and swimming room, and generally clean up the tank

Currently I can't fully clean the back glass due to Aquattro's plating monti (thanks Brad, it's an excellent grower and will be kept);

The green slimer monstrosity is mm away from touching the front glass and less than inches from the surface;

The blue deepwater I bought from Steve Fedyk years ago @ one of Rich's swaps didn't grow for years. Nadda until the watermelons started growing up it's base. Now it's nearly on the glass too.

The red digi still needs pruning for cleaning space and I'll have to thin it out soon so it doesn't block it's own light/growth.

This monti from Chris nearly 4 years ago never grew. Then this summer it went gangbusters and over grew a yellow acro

Looking forward to some re-scaping very soon, and a new tank on with an external overflow (down the road)

These are the new aqusitions I'll make room for
GARF bansai, red planet, some kind of turaki, pearlberry, pink lemonade, and 2 unknowns

FTS today
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Old 11-15-2015, 02:24 AM
iamfrontosa iamfrontosa is offline
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awesome tank !
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Old 11-15-2015, 04:27 AM
hillegom hillegom is offline
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Looking good Greg
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Old 03-10-2016, 04:16 AM
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Not so great update

Here's the tank back in January

Here's the tank today

Keep in mind this is an unintentional reset.
As some of you know I'm building a bigger sump. So last night I'm looking under the DT to plan some plumbing changes and noticed some water in the stand. Took some time to find where it was coming from, and unfortunately it turns out not to be a plumbing issue.

There is a hole in the seam just above the bottom trim.

Here's a video link

This is what I found on the inside. Dimples in the silicone. They were below the sand so I think the sand was keeping it from spewing. It only started to pour out once I dug around.

I had my wife hold a towel against it while I drained the tank. Luckily I have a spare drum so I could save the water.
Also lucky I have many heaters and powerheads.

I transfered all the LR and coral I want to keep into a couple tubs.

The fish are in the 20g QT. Another lucky situation. I just finished putting our yellow coris back in the DT last Saturday after putting him through a round of Furan-2 and Kanaplex.

They are going into the 36g bowfront tomorrow night.
Yet another lucky situation. I almost sold this tank once but thought I'd better keep it for this kind of situation.

Then I'm putting all the coral I want to keep into the 20g

Aqueon and J&L are doing an amazing job of getting the warranty situation taken care of.
Looks like it may be a couple weeks before the new tank arrives. Doesn't matter as I'm going to redo and tidy up a lot of stuff.

So looking at this from a positive perspective, now I have a chance to get rid of corals I don't want, clean up some algae issues and do a re-scape.
Plus I can now pull the tank away from the wall a few inches more. This way I'll be able to use a Mag Float on the back instead of a Kent scraper.

On the negative side, I missed a day of work due to being up too late last night. I'll have to steam clean some carpet and wash out a bucket of old sand.

As for losses so far all fish and inverts are alive, but looks like I'll lose our hammer colony. The favia and candy cane colonies aren't looking too happy either. I'll know more in the next couple days.
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