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Old 01-28-2009, 06:10 AM
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Originally Posted by zazzoo View Post
yeah i dont know if it really is a trade off... but everyone i know or read that started zeo or something simular is doing very well... strange .... <------ i wonder if this stuff does the same thing ?
Yeah me too for the most part but I have heard of many people getting cyano during start up. I have never followed their tanks though long enough to know if it goes away.

Christy says she has had it (and runs ZEO) and it sounds like hers has stayed around.

I am obviously going to stick with it for now as it hasn't been that long now but I am certainly worried. Since I am setting up the new tank mid February, I would like to plan it now. If its also going to be ZEO (which was the plan) then I will just set things up like now but if no ZEO, then I need to plan a nice big refugium.

Im sure I will stick with ZEO but man this sucks right now. I will take pics and you guys will understand. Its BAD.
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Old 01-28-2009, 06:13 AM
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yeah lets have some pics .....
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Old 01-28-2009, 06:27 AM
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Originally Posted by zazzoo View Post
yeah lets have some pics .....
Sure. It will have to be tomorrow though since lights have just gone out.
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Old 01-28-2009, 04:00 PM
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My cyano appeared after I had a couple clams die which I believe was part of a dosing product I was using, although the product maker says no, I can't attribute losing 2 clams in 2 weeks to anything else. I was also dosing Ultralith at the time. It came on strong and then disappeared. However it resurrected itself quite quickly after starting zeo and I haven't managed to get rid of it. It grows in various areas where there is "less" flow and all over corals that have dead bits or are struggling (then the cyano just finishes them off slowly, awesome! ).

Its really frustrating as I'm doing everything I can to get rid of it. I turkey baste it as often as possible but its back right where it was the next day, sometimes within 12 hours or so. At this point, I'm liking using the zeo and have gotten into a routine but I often wonder if the results I'm getting (which aren't the fabulous ones on zeovit) are really outweighing this cyano issue. I don't know how much more flow I can put in the tank without the fish being pressed up against the glass. I have 2 tunze 6060s a tunze 6045 and a wavebox in a 90 gallon tank.

I dunno, I don't like the idea of using chemicals in the tank (although I don't have any problems using zeo, weird) but I'm on the cusp of nuking the tank with chemi clean and possibly giving up on/restarting zeo. I dunno, it changes daily and I waver between treating the tank/giving up on zeo/keeping going as I have so much invested/going back to ozone.

Currently, upon the advice of I"ve been dosing a bit heavier on the zeostart and zeobak and not dosing the zeofood at all, in an attempt to reduce my nitrates (which were zero before starting zeo, I think I must have a heavier hand with the feeding). So far, no results. I was hoping this would kick the cyano's butt too but nada.
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Old 01-28-2009, 04:42 PM
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I have been using Ultralith products and I have not had a cyno outbreak yet...but I have a very low bioload(fish)
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Old 01-28-2009, 05:09 PM
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Originally Posted by christyf5 View Post
My cyano appeared after I had a couple clams die which I believe was part of a dosing product I was using, although the product maker says no, I can't attribute losing 2 clams in 2 weeks to anything else. I was also dosing Ultralith at the time. It came on strong and then disappeared. However it resurrected itself quite quickly after starting zeo and I haven't managed to get rid of it. It grows in various areas where there is "less" flow and all over corals that have dead bits or are struggling (then the cyano just finishes them off slowly, awesome! ).

Its really frustrating as I'm doing everything I can to get rid of it. I turkey baste it as often as possible but its back right where it was the next day, sometimes within 12 hours or so. At this point, I'm liking using the zeo and have gotten into a routine but I often wonder if the results I'm getting (which aren't the fabulous ones on zeovit) are really outweighing this cyano issue. I don't know how much more flow I can put in the tank without the fish being pressed up against the glass. I have 2 tunze 6060s a tunze 6045 and a wavebox in a 90 gallon tank.

I dunno, I don't like the idea of using chemicals in the tank (although I don't have any problems using zeo, weird) but I'm on the cusp of nuking the tank with chemi clean and possibly giving up on/restarting zeo. I dunno, it changes daily and I waver between treating the tank/giving up on zeo/keeping going as I have so much invested/going back to ozone.

Currently, upon the advice of I"ve been dosing a bit heavier on the zeostart and zeobak and not dosing the zeofood at all, in an attempt to reduce my nitrates (which were zero before starting zeo, I think I must have a heavier hand with the feeding). So far, no results. I was hoping this would kick the cyano's butt too but nada.

Thanks for the info.

I am trying to get this figured out now because I am setting up the new tank and don't want to deal with cyano in it too. I still have a chance now to plan it with a 75G refugium instead of ZEO if I wanted. But I have to build a bigger stand to fit my sump and 75G.

I was suppose to build the stand this weekend but I don't think thats happening as long as I have cyano in the tank and I don't know how I want to set up the new tank

Cyano is not an option for me. I would gladly go back to my old way of keeping a reef which did not include the stuff.
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Old 01-28-2009, 05:13 PM
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The only reason you have Cyano is because it is outcompeting the "good" bacteria for the carbon sources.

Double up on the dose of Zeobak for two weeks. Make sure your skimmer is off and the reactor is running while you do so.

Also, cut back on the use of any oily frozen foods for the time being.
This and that.
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Old 01-28-2009, 05:22 PM
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I have used Chemi-Clean in the past (prior to Zeo), but I stopped about 8? months ago. I used to dose monthly. Then every two months. Then it became apparent that maybe I didn't need it at all anymore. Haven't had cyano in my Reef for awhile now.

Having said that, now that I am on Zeo, I have asked myself if I would use Chemi-Clean again if cyano returned. The answer is no, I wouldn't. For two reasons. 1). I think it would mess with the other Zeo supplements. 2). There is a Zeo routine for cyano. It's on page 23 of the guide. I think I would try that. Involves adding 1 drop, per 25g, of ZeoBac to Pohl's Coral Snow and dosing this every two days until cyano is gone. I'm not sure if the ZeoBac is the regular dose (just added to the Coral Snow) or in addition to the regular dose. The gurus on would know. Of course, I would think removing most of the "bulk" cyano manually would go along way in helping this routine do it's job too.

Hope this helps,

Last edited by Johnny Reefer; 01-28-2009 at 05:24 PM. Reason: Typos
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Old 01-28-2009, 05:37 PM
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Originally Posted by albert_dao View Post
The only reason you have Cyano is because it is outcompeting the "good" bacteria for the carbon sources.

Double up on the dose of Zeobak for two weeks. Make sure your skimmer is off and the reactor is running while you do so.

Also, cut back on the use of any oily frozen foods for the time being.
Thanks Albert, I'll give that a try
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Old 01-28-2009, 05:40 PM
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Originally Posted by albert_dao View Post
The only reason you have Cyano is because it is outcompeting the "good" bacteria for the carbon sources.

Double up on the dose of Zeobak for two weeks. Make sure your skimmer is off and the reactor is running while you do so.

Also, cut back on the use of any oily frozen foods for the time being.
Ok, I haven't been turning my skimmer off at all. Didn't realize you had to and I hate turning that thing back on...the Sicce pump NEVER starts up properly after turning it off. It becomes a 10 minute ordeal

I may try your idea but I am strongly considering stopping this whole thing.

I have to say, I do kind of regret messing with the tank when things were going so well.
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