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Old 10-13-2016, 04:03 AM
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There are quite a few people who are attracted to pitbull type dogs that have no right to own a dog and cant be bothered to train their dog , or keep it in a properly fenced yard . These same people are breeding dogs to sell without any thought to what type of dog they are producing . No thug wants a spaniel , they want a tough badass dog thats mean and they have picked pitbulls to the breeds detrement . These people need to be regulated and they are doing it by controlling the dogs , you cant punish stupid in our society but you can limit the stupids so thats what they did . Too bad for reasonable owners , but you picked a dog that can bite through a parking meter .
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Old 10-13-2016, 03:42 PM
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This topic really gets me going...In my opinion, Pit Bulls are the "flavour breed" of the 2000's. This has happened in the past with Dobermans, German Shepherds....I am a dog lover and find it sad that such a sweeping ban can be instituted. I disagree with it completely and think that the outcome falls completely on the owner. You know the personality of your dog...or you should. If your dog is prone to bolting as soon as you open the door to your house, you take precautions to make sure that doesn't happen. If you see that your dog can be aggressive when out and about, you should be taking measures to ensure that it does not happen. the OWNER is the alpha and the pack leader and needs to do the correct job to keep the dog in line. This is NOT about Pit Bulls. It is about training, keeping control of your dog, and knowing your dogs personality. The saying "with great power comes great responsibility" comes to mind. Pitt Bulls are powerful animals and that can not be ignored.
I have two dogs, a 70lb Airedale Terrier and a 12lb Welsh Terrier. Of the two, the Welsh is far more aggressive that the Airedale and I am fully aware of this. I constantly keep her in check, and ensure that she is not presented with an opportunity where she can scare, or hurt anyone...even tho she is only 12lbs...she can still do damage. This whole thing falls on the owners being responsible, educated and training not only the dogs, but themselves.
Dogs are getting the short end of the stick and it is sad.
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Old 10-13-2016, 10:43 PM
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Originally Posted by corallivore View Post
Discussion over PM request was directed at Coasting, not you.

All you've added to the conversation is popcorn...what interest could I possibly have to discuss this topic with

but you're right, popcorn is delicious...

I get it. You love your dog and he/she is a good dog...nobody is debating that.


A chihuahua won't kill your kid.

A bully breed will and you probably can't stop it.

The ignorance I see is most often from pit apologists, people who, for example, refuse to accept their dogs were bred for fighting and can't accept that IF their dog goes into the red zone, the consequences are far worse than with almost any other breed.

There was just a dog attack in Regina.
Family dog, described as "a big sweetheart" been around the kids for most of it's life and then it's prey drive kicked in because the little girls pony pail caused an instinctual reaction.

It's just so typical and every single bully apologist always says the exact same things...

To me, that's where the ignorance is most harmful.

You think this would have made the news if it was a chihuahua?

I had a pointer, never hunted in his life, never.

but when we'd hike and a rabbit or something would run by, he'd whelp (a sound that he would only make during these chases)and chase the rabbit (or squirrel or whatever) and point at the hole or tree he'd chased them into.

He could NOT be recalled when he would get this excited and for him and me, that was a big deal as he always, always listened from the time he was 6 months old and wanted to be next to me more than anywhere else.

This is all instinct and it kicks no matter what under the right circumstances.

it's stronger in some dogs than others but how do you know which?

I feel that if bully owners/apologists could just accept some of the realities for their dogs breed, you wouldn't need a ban and good dogs wouldn't have to pay the price.
You're still denying the fact that there are dozens of larger stronger dogs out there then any "bully breed" proving a complete lack of education on your part.

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Last edited by Myka; 01-07-2017 at 03:32 AM.
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Old 01-06-2017, 07:22 PM
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Hey guys I don't have the time to go through all this and edit posts at this minute but I will later... So please stop it with the insults or this thread will be closed.
~ Mindy

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Old 01-07-2017, 03:36 AM
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Originally Posted by warriorcookie View Post
Sorry, not sure what I was expecting when I originally posted this. I knew it would get personal, but I thought maybe it could be a constructive conversation and raise some awareness...

It's been going downhill and it's not contributing anything positive to this community, perhaps it should be locked or closed.
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~ Mindy

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Old 05-31-2017, 04:38 PM
corallivore corallivore is offline
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Saw this the other day and made me think of this thread...

I wonder what would have happened if this mother had left her 3 week old baby alone with 3 Chihuahuas?

She must have trusted these dogs.

Here was another one that happened earlier in May

Quoted from the article above

"The family was shocked at the dog's violence -- the dog was considered a good family pet."

"Kamiko is the 513th American killed by a pit bull since we began collecting this data on the Fatal Pit Bull Attacks Archival Record website. Her death also marks the 210th child mauled to death by a pit bull since 1980"

I wonder how many Chihuahua deaths?

Looked online but I guess no one is keeping statistics on that.
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Old 05-31-2017, 06:04 PM
corallivore corallivore is offline
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There have been SOME reported Chihuahua attack deaths...

Here is a guy who was "mauled" by Chihuahuas (and some other dogs)...he survived the attack but later committed suicide after some intense shaming from the general public and his friends and family.

Also, I found some video on news reports of roaming packs of feral Chihuahuas in Arizona back in 2014...

Scary doesn't look like any injuries or deaths from them though. Lucky.

When you do search Chihuahua attack, you do come up with a ton of reports of Chihuahua being killed by other dogs...not so much with when you search Pit Bull attack.
Red Sea Minimum

Last edited by corallivore; 05-31-2017 at 06:06 PM.
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Old 05-31-2017, 10:55 PM
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I think things would be much different for pit bulls if they were considered classy dogs rather than a lowly breed often owned by uneducated, poor people. If people "in the hood" didn't own pit bulls, rather people in the upper class did then I think there would be a lot more better behaved pit bulls and much fewer pit bull bites. It makes me wonder what would be the next "hood breed"???
~ Mindy

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Old 05-31-2017, 11:06 PM
corallivore corallivore is offline
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Hopefully Chihuahuas.

Or any breed that isn't a huge danger to society when not properly socialized, trained or understood.

A lot of these attacks are by dogs that are family pets and not owned by whatever stereotype you have in mind with the owner expressing outright surprise after someone dies or is seriously harmed.

I think demographics definitely play a role in the stigma but you can't discount incidents where the attack is wholly unexpected and out of character as far as the dogs caregivers are concerned.

This can happen with any breed to be sure.

The difference is that as a dog originally bred to kill, for fighting, when instincts take over, it can be fatal.

You just can't say that about all breeds.
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Old 05-31-2017, 11:14 PM
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Whether you like his methods or not Cesar Milan makes it a habit to promote pit bulls as a gentle and loving dog I've met him personally and had a one on one with him although brief he understands the fears people have of dogs especially the ones deemed as violent (ie. pit bulls, German Shepard, Doberman, st. Bernard's and collies to name a few) but in his opinion no dog is born dangerous but are made dangerous by people and I agree with that whole heartedly

I have been attacked and bitten many times by dogs but I never blamed them I grew up in the country where dogs were everywhere I have the scars to show for it but we knew that dogs were for the most part working dogs first and family pets second and working dogs had to focus disturb that focus and you paid for it up that was time era I grew up in today the world is full of bleeding hearts and people who watch too many reality shows that don't show reality. Please don't blame the dog blame the human
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