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Old 02-02-2016, 11:49 PM
squibege squibege is offline
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Originally Posted by Coasting View Post
Im not sure what youre after here, you want input on your stocking list but youre also not willing to alter it?

No I'm willing to alter it. Just the ones I have stars beside I would be more sad taking off the list. The Anthias I have starred because I know I want some, but not sure on species/ numbers
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Old 02-03-2016, 12:39 AM
albert_dao albert_dao is offline
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Most of the commonly available Chrysiptera species are pretty tame compared to other damsels (barring Fiji Blue Devils, of course). That said, mixing them is like mixing cats. Some get along with other fish and each other. Some don't. There's also a few other considerations:

• Are they the dominant fish in the aquarium?
• When were they added in relation to the other fish?
• What is the total stocking density of the aquarium?
• How often do you feed the tank?
• Have they previously killed off other fish?

These are all variables that are going to greatly influence the behaviour of any given fish. If you want the best chance at it, here's what you do (IME):

1. Make sure they will never be the most dominant fish. This should be easy if you have a tang or a big anthias male.
2. Add them last or, at the very earliest, after the biggest, most intimidating fish has become comfortable in your aquarium. This doesn't necessarily have to be an aggressive fish (Naso Tangs come to mind).
3. Keep the stocking density medium - high for normal compositions, low if you have only bigger, more intimidating fish outside of the damsel.
4. Don't 'inherit' problematic fish from other people.

This and that.
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Old 02-03-2016, 12:47 AM
squibege squibege is offline
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Old 02-04-2016, 01:23 AM
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Keep it civil please guys.
~ Mindy

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Old 02-04-2016, 01:28 AM
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Fwiw, I have seen lots of the smaller Tang species do very well in 90-gallon tangs...Yellows, Tominis, Koles, Convicts. I find the Tominis and Convicts to be the most docile of Tangs. Yellows and he occasional Kole can be real a-holes. One of my clients had an evil Kole Tang that dominated a 240 - gallon tank with much bigger tankmates. I prefer Yellow Coris Wrasse (C. chrysus) for the bright yellow coloration in smaller tanks.
~ Mindy

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Last edited by Myka; 02-04-2016 at 02:11 AM.
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Old 02-04-2016, 02:19 AM
rockworm rockworm is offline
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My first tank was a 90. I had a yellow and a kole tang in it. They seemed to do very well. I am afraid that I am now developing an obsession for wrasses. I started with the yellow coris in my tank. Colourful and active. Since then, I have added a yellow tail tamarin, a lubbocks and a red head solar. Two weeks ago the solar took a jump behind my tank and I could not get to him. He is being replaced with a red velvet that is curently in QT. I have the tank covered with 1/4" mesh but I had one of the panels off. He startled when I approached the tank and went for a flight. I considered the pencil wrasse at JLA but read they dont always ship well so will keep looking.

Originally Posted by Myka View Post
Fwiw, I have seen lots of the smaller Tang species do very well in 90-gallon tangs...Yellows, Tominis, Koles, Convicts. I find the Tominis and Convicts to be the most docile of Tangs. Yellows and he occasional Kole can be real a-holes. I prefer Yellow Coris Wrasse (C. chrysus) for the bright yellow coloration in smaller tanks.
400g SPS tank + 75 LPS tank
Remote 90g + 65g sump.
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