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Old 08-31-2012, 05:06 PM
reefwars reefwars is offline
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Default 2012 nano contest official rules and regulations

official rules/requirements:
total water volume- 20 us gallons
this includes sumps,overflows,tubing....basically anything that holds water connected to your system including hob filters and hob reactors.
its simple, fill a 20g bin and thats your total water to use(evaporation or ato water is not to be included, if you wish to fill a tub or resevoir with FRESH water that is fine and will not count as part of your 20g.
tank has to be a complete fresh start:
the build has to be from complete scratch, you dont need to build the tank your self , you dont need to buy new its up to you where the tank comes from or even what you use as a tank but it is expected to be dry prior to oct15th 2012
updating and record keeping:
throughout the contest there will be a few dates where you will have to update your journal and provide a fulltank shot. whenever new livestock is added or anychanges made in your tank(good or bad) should be wrote down, we want to hear all about the good things you buy and any of the bad things that happen. since this will be viewed by members and all sorts of people alike the more detail you put into your journal the more feedback you will get pictures are going to play a large part in this contest as well , so if you arnt camera savy(like me and my phone:P) then asking a friend to take pics is another option.there will be certain dates where a fts and some close ups need to be posted, failure to follow the deadlines would result in loss of points.
no budget:
there is no budget for the contest , you just have to stay wihin the rules, so if your giant $3500reactor holds 15g then your only gonna be left with 5g to use so think wisely on the tank sizes you all choose and what equipment you decide to run. conserving water counts here:P
no borrowing:
you cannot borrow anything from someone to use for the contest this includes livestock or equipment, you must purchase, already own or diy the things you need for your tank. when ever changes are made to your tank you need to note down the changes on the following update thread. cameras are allowed to be borrowed from whomever.
no changing tank sizes:
once the contest starts you cannot change your tank size, leaks can be repaired but if your tiny tank falls apart thats it your out:P if you are doing a custom tank and it breaks before the fill date from cutting or whatever else you can replace the tank as long as its the same as the one that broke and you can have it filled by the filldate this rule applys the the actual display aquarium only. modifications can be made throughout the contest on all livestock and equipment as long as they are logged on the next required update
no tie ins:
the system you are creating can not be tied in or plumbed to another existing system what so ever, your nano tank and its sump/contents have to be its own self running system.this does not include your auto top off resevoir,an ato resevoir can be plumbed to your system

the contest will run on a point system where a handfull of anonymous judges will watch the contest and read through the journals and award points per category.
here is how the point system goes:
design and planning- 20pts-
judges are going to look at how well you pre planned your nano and how much thought you put into your tank throughout the contest. your tanks layout and stock list are going to be monitored so put some thought into what you want to achive:P
how well your little ecosytem does will be looked at as a whole, did you lose much livestock, did your plan go as "planned" that sorta stuff. having animals starve to death in your little tank will get you less points then the person who planned the right livestock for their little tanks and had them need to kill anything folks:P
participation and record keeping-20pts-
did you provide updates on the required dates and did you log all mishaps and adventures, if you spent alot of time on your little build and keep good records points are coming your way:P
how much diversity is in your tank did you create a full ecosytem with many types of critteres that thrive as a whole or did you spaz out for the kenya trees?? points for diversity!!
public poll-10pts-
all the cotestants tanks will be placed in a poll for canreef members and users to vote on as their favorite at the end of the contest. (good time to set up 34 accounts:P)
judges will look at your pictures and fulltank shots and award points on your photog skillz!!
Old 08-31-2012, 05:08 PM
reefwars reefwars is offline
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 **** please read carefully the timeline and how it is worded****
contest timeline:
the contest duration is for 6mths, below is a timeline and scheduling log for updates and requirements. this is the guideline the judges will use to judge and award points.ive highlighted and underlined important notes for contestants to follow

sept 1rst - sept 25th /2012-
sign up for the contest, after the 25th no more entrys will be taken in:P
october 1rst/2012- official start date for contest:
all contestants names will be logged and contestants must start a journal and call their journal their "username" plus "2012 nano contest entry"
example: "reefwars 2012 nano contest entry"
journals have to be created and a first post made by the contestant by october 15th/2012
****in your first post explain your ideas and your goals, no pics are needed**** and smack talk is welcome :P:P
you should add a link to your nano build thread at the bottom of your signature so others can find your build easily

oct15th /2012- empty tank shots:
by this date some pics of your dry empty tanks and what ever equipment you may have is to be provided. feel free to ask questions and get others opinions on your ideas

nov1rst/2012- official fill date:
by this date your tank should be filled with water , all plumbing done and be a running system. a pic of the tank running with water and the plumbing are to be provided. sand may be added before water if that is your desire;P

nov15th/2012-rock and design placment:
by this date your little tank needs to have rock in it and sand (if using sand). a fulltank shot of your layout and structure are to be provided ON this date.

dec1rst2012-livestock additions-
if you were smart you started adding rock right after the filldate, so thats a month and now you can add livestock if you feel your tank can do so. a record of what livestock you choose or add needs to be noted on this date.

jan3rd/2013- livestock additions and updates:
an update on the additons you have added, how well things are doing in your little nano. you may provide pics if you like but are not required....but may sway the judges a bit;P

january 15th/2013- first official full tankshots and clos ups:
its the first time you are required to post fulltank shots since youve added your first livestock, things should now be looking good and pics taken along the way.
a recent fulltank shot and some close ups are to be provided by this date

feb15th/2013- fulltank shots and livestock updates:
its been a month so whats new with your little tank, the contest is winding down so lets get some good pics in. video of your tank would help the judges see it from your eyes;P
a recent fulltank shot and some close ups are to be provided by this date

march15th/2013- final fulltank shot and livestock update
this is it folks your last chance to add pics ,videos, despcriptions or thanks, after this date no more post are required and the judges will be making their decisions

march 20th/2013 march 25th/2013- public poll
we will have a public poll on the 20th for users to vote on their favorite nanos. the poll will end on the 25th of march

march 15th to april1rst- judges are to look over the threads are decide a winner.
good luck all!!

Last edited by reefwars; 09-19-2012 at 04:00 AM.
Old 08-31-2012, 05:09 PM
reefwars reefwars is offline
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remember folks this is a contest but the goal is to have fun and enjoy your little nano, the rules and guidlines ive created are made to keep this a contest, the judges will monitor the contest and award points on many different categorys,as this gets going youll find theres not a whole lot of rules that are required. not everyone is going to agree with the rules but i believe its the best and only way to have a level and even contest where all members can compete. please follow the timeline and the rules to the best that you can. if someone is unclear on the rules they can pm me with any questions.
this is a contest for fun and there is no entry fee, i have been able to find a prize but it will not be announced untill after the sign up date is over, that ways we dont have a bunch of people doing this for the prize only:P prize could a toonie or a lifetime of gas...who knows...well actually i do, but ill never tell hehehe:P
im always interested in sponsors who would like to donate a prize if any sponsors are interested pls pm me for details
this contest is open to anyone from beginner to advance aquarist, this competition is to see what the brilliant minds of canreef members can do when given the spotlight, no moneys are being made on this contest and it is simply being made for the members of canreef enjoyment
id like to see this as a yearly contest and i would love to be the one who hosts it every year but in order for this to happen we need participants, so dont be shy.
your little setups need not be expensive, stressfull or in any way not fun, thats why we have a point system, it will help everyone get points in the categorys they are best at
ill ask that everyone does their best not to cheat i understand not everything can be regulated or watched so most of the contest is being left to the contestants to follow and build at their own will.
the contest is for 6 mths ,
if your fast you can be further ahead then the timeline but you must provide pics and updates by the required dates. everything is explained in the timeline and there will be no surprise posts asking for videos or pics with dates. simply log all that you do and when the time comes for an update post the appropriate info.
if you forget to take pics of something it doesnt mean youll get no points you may not just get the full amount you could have.
everything is being left to the judges, once the contest starts i will have no contact with them unless their is an emergency or similiar problem in which case all judges will be notified.
if somethng comes up in your life be it sickness , marrige ,birth etc and you cannot add pics by the timeline pls pm me and i will notify the judges, points may or may not be deducted depending on the circumstances

please take a few minutes to read the rules and the timeline
thats all folks!!
Old 09-25-2012, 04:36 PM
reefwars reefwars is offline
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hey guys, prizes have been announced for this years contest have a look at the thread i created to view what the prizes are

here is a link to the prize thread
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