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Old 08-21-2017, 09:10 PM
604reefer 604reefer is offline
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Default Hammer coral melting - thoughts?

So I have 7 different hammers (yeah i know...) and one of them is just melting away.

There's no BJD or any evidence of pests. I've tried moving it to no avail, it's been slowly melting for a month. At first I thought it was maybe splitting as all of the large hammer tips split into smaller ones, then I noticed parts of it losing color, but the color came back rather quick, yet it's still receding. In the past week it's really picked up speed and is almost gone.

About 2 weeks ago I dipped it in revive, it slimed, then perked up a bit, then continued to decline. Today the mouth was VERY WIDE open and tissue receding to almost the point of the mouth. Tips are almost completely deflated and limp.

It's so strange, everything else around it is thriving, splitting, growing, etc. Tank params are all within ideal ranges, no changes to lighting or what I use in the tank.

Any thoughts?

Last edited by 604reefer; 08-21-2017 at 09:19 PM.
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Old 08-21-2017, 10:18 PM
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Do you have any angelfish or other types of fish that might be picking at it? Or perhaps some hungry peppermint shrimps annoying it when the lights are out?
Always looking for the next best coral...

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Old 08-21-2017, 10:27 PM
604reefer 604reefer is offline
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Originally Posted by tang daddy View Post
Do you have any angelfish or other types of fish that might be picking at it? Or perhaps some hungry peppermint shrimps annoying it when the lights are out?
Nothin! My clowns won't go near em, chromis loves to swim around em, and blenny just rock perches all day. The hermits only climb on my bubble coral and acans. I've spent a fair bit of time (hours!) in the day and lights out looking to see anything, but nada.
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Old 08-21-2017, 11:25 PM
ReefMadness ReefMadness is offline
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if your parameters are truly all in check along with temp and salinity and the tank occupants aren't harassing it then what else can you do? i'm a believer that not every coral is going to thrive in every tank so the last thing i would ever do is tinker around to save it when you have a good thing going otherwise.
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Old 08-25-2017, 04:00 AM
takeastabatit22 takeastabatit22 is offline
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I had that with a torch. I had bad salinty solution. So my salt levels where way of and through all my numbers out of wack. All my softies where great and Lps where up and down. Though the torch just slowly died.

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Old 08-25-2017, 12:19 PM
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Originally Posted by ReefMadness View Post
if your parameters are truly all in check along with temp and salinity and the tank occupants aren't harassing it then what else can you do? i'm a believer that not every coral is going to thrive in every tank so the last thing i would ever do is tinker around to save it when you have a good thing going otherwise.
I totally agree!

I'd be more inclined to believe that there is some sort of disease or pest that is not known about.
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Old 08-29-2017, 01:10 AM
604reefer 604reefer is offline
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Originally Posted by Myka View Post
I totally agree!

I'd be more inclined to believe that there is some sort of disease or pest that is not known about.
Tried a last ditch lugols dip the other day and she dead . Everything else is killing it so I think it was an "STN" like situation, only had it about 5 weeks and it declined a bit each day.

Anyone know if I leave the skeleton in the tank if it could bud a new head? Or if all the polyps/tissue are gone and amphipods/hermits crawling on it = time to toss?
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Old 08-29-2017, 06:19 PM
dino dino is offline
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I have had lps that I thought was absolutely dead grow back on occasion but don't get your hopes up
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Old 08-29-2017, 06:33 PM
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Originally Posted by 604reefer View Post
Tried a last ditch lugols dip the other day and she dead . Everything else is killing it so I think it was an "STN" like situation, only had it about 5 weeks and it declined a bit each day.

Anyone know if I leave the skeleton in the tank if it could bud a new head? Or if all the polyps/tissue are gone and amphipods/hermits crawling on it = time to toss?
IMO if it's dead and cuc is on it I would get rid of it. There could be some sort of pest or disease which may pollute your water. I personally would weigh out the risks and considering you have several other hammers I wouldn't want anything spreading to them.
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Old 08-29-2017, 08:39 PM
604reefer 604reefer is offline
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Originally Posted by DKoKoMan View Post
IMO if it's dead and cuc is on it I would get rid of it. There could be some sort of pest or disease which may pollute your water. I personally would weigh out the risks and considering you have several other hammers I wouldn't want anything spreading to them.
Good call! I was just holding out hope, it was orange branching...and expensive
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