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Old 07-05-2013, 08:05 AM
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Default pistol shrimp/randy pair with a blenny in tank - can it work?

I've recently acquired a goby/pistol shrimp pair to be picked up.

However; I have a very slow scooter blenny that scoots along slowly - as they do. I'm not quite sure how these little buggers have been able to live for as long as they do, considering how slow they move.

My big concern is the pistol shrimp and when he scoots on by him. One shot of the pistol and it's game over for the blenny.

Or, can the three live in harmony?

I like my blenny, and won't give him up for the pair - but if I know they can live without the pistol attacking him, I will do all of them.

Does anyone have experience with the three co-existing in the tank?

Tank is 77 gallons. Plenty of places for them to hide, but of course the blenny will eventually scoot in front of their 'layer'

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Old 07-05-2013, 03:56 PM
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Truthfully, I don't see why not they can't co exist together.

Fair warning tho, if you're prepared to have frags on the sand bed burried and stolen for deco of the pistol shrimps home, and constant mounds of sand being moved all the time then go ahead.

Symbiotic pair I love them however I will never own a pistol shrimp again because he always burried my frags and constantly dug tunnels and mounds.

Just my experience owning a few pairs and it hasn't worked for me because I have so many frags on the sand bed.... Some people with open sand beds have had success because there is no corals to burry also they turn your sand bed over keeping it clean and when they dig release nutrients slowly into the water Coloumn to be skimmed out.

Good luck with it!
Always looking for the next best coral...

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Old 07-05-2013, 03:59 PM
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I have a tiger pistol shrimp/watchman goby pair, get along with everything but hermit crabs, I had a red scooter blenny and a mandrin goby without any problems.
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Old 07-05-2013, 10:10 PM
PurpleMonkey PurpleMonkey is offline
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+1 to what Tang Daddy said

I had a tiger pistol with a Randall's goby in my BC29, along with a red scooter blenny (trained to eat mysis). They all got along fine, but I lost many a frag to the pistol so be ready for that.
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Old 07-05-2013, 10:19 PM
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I've only got two frags in the sand. An acan and a ric. I'm confident I can move them to a rock to get them out of the way. Or glue the damn things down!

Most of my corals are large. I'm too impatient for frags.
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