I currently have a FOWLR 75g setup with a clown, xmas wrasse, and a flame angelfish.
I am looking to purchase a few new fish, possibly a purple firefish and a green cromis. But not decided for sure yet when or even if. (i'm trying to get all the colors of the rainbow

But my questions are that i'm looking to buy a hippo tang or yellow tang possibly both.
And now before i have EVERYONE freak out that those fish are too big for the setup i realize that full grown they would be but i would be getting them at only 1 inch big and am goign to be upgrading long before they would be too big for the setup and I have a sufficient protein skimmer for the bioload.
My question is that my flame angel is inbetween 2 and 3 inches and by everything i have researched he is the only fish that may have a problem with the tangs, and honestly if it just came down to getting rid of him and buying a smaller one at the same time as the tang(s) i would.
Any feedback would be extremely appreciated.