Scooter Dragonet
Thanks to fellow forum member hfp75, I've been able to pick up an amazing little red scooter dragonet. She eats mysis like a little pig, plus she eats brine and cyclop-eeze. She's doing very well in a bare bottom Nano Cube 12. She's incredibly outgoing, isn't easily spooked, and is a pleasure to watch. I have never had a fish adapt so quickly to new living quarters.
After watching her, however, I think my plans for her need to change. I was going to out her in the new tank I'm building. My plans for that tank are higher flow and a 1-2mm aragonite sandbed: more of an SPS tank versus mixed reef.
Would she better off in my lower flow mixed reef with sugar sand? There is a lot of competition in that system, though everything is very peaceful. I would need to turn the pumps off for her at feeding time to ensure she got her share. I'm not particularly worried about that, as I would probably need to turn the pumps off for her in the higher flow system.