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Old 12-20-2011, 04:05 PM
Reefrookie79 Reefrookie79 is offline
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Default Clowns

Was wondering if it's a bad idea to put a cinnamon clown and clarki clown in the same tank
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Old 12-20-2011, 04:55 PM
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What size of tank is it? In a smaller tank it's probably not a good idea, but every fish has it's own personality. Some will be extremely territorial, while others will cope with all sorts of different guests in the same tank.

Telling us more about your setup would help as well.

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Old 12-20-2011, 05:18 PM
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I have an old female Cinnamon Clown and it is the meanest fish in my tank. Has killed 2 different clowns already, so I don't even try to bring another one in anymore. Also killed a butterfly, and has inflicted some good wounds on a few other fish. I used to have a 6 inch Green Bird Wrasse that would stand up to it on occasion and regularly paid the price with bite marks and missing scales on his back. I have taken a few bites myself when cleaning the tank. The only fish it gets along with is my Yellow Tang (who is also a bully to new fish).

I inherited the SW tank when we bought the house, but the previous owner said the tang and clown are a couple of the original fish from when the tank was first set up over 10 years ago. So they have been together a long time.
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Old 12-20-2011, 05:24 PM
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This may be possible, but more information is needed.
How old are the clownfish?
How big are each of the clownfish? Are they different sizes?
Were either of the clownfish in a "pair" before?

These are 2 of the most aggressive clownfish, so it will be a difficult to mix them even in the best circumstances.
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Old 12-20-2011, 06:00 PM
Reefrookie79 Reefrookie79 is offline
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It's a 65 gal mixed reef. The cinnamon is about 2 inches long and the clarki is about half the size. If not smaller. I have a cleaner shrimp, mandarin goby and a couple real small green chromis in there as well
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Old 12-20-2011, 07:09 PM
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Well, you've got the right mix of a small one and larger one.

Have the larger clownfish introduced into the tank if it isn't already.

Next, you will need to get some kind of container to put the smaller clownfish in when you try to introduce them into the tank. Something like a plastic bastket that they put strawberry's in, or an invert trap, or a guppy breeder container. The container must have holes in it for water to flow in and out of and to feed the clownfish, but not holes too big that the larger clownfish can fit into. It's not an issue if the smaller one can get in and out.

Next is the waiting game. The larger clownfish will try to attack the smaller one. This may last a few days, or could go on for weeks. If the attacking doesn't stop, you will have to give up and get rid of the smaller clownfish.

If the attacking stops for a day, try to let the smaller clownfish into the tank. Initially, the larger one will probably do a little attacking to show them who the boss is. If the larger one won't stop beating on the smaller, you will need to try to put the smaller one in the container and start all over.

This may or may not work out.
240 gallon tank build:
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