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Old 04-23-2011, 07:31 PM
SpateD SpateD is offline
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Default Tufa Rock

So I'm trying to decide if I should order up Marco rock for my 120 reef... but I know it's quite pricy.

My question is, does anyone know anything about Tufa Rock? Is it good for a saltwater tank? Does it make for good Live Rock (density and all)?
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Old 04-24-2011, 12:06 AM
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Man I haven't heard of tufa rock for years lol. I used it back in the uk around 10 years ago and it did me well but I was just a fowler tank back then. Its more of a sandy rock from what I remember and porous not much help I guess sorry.
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Old 04-24-2011, 01:19 AM
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Tufa rock can and has been used in marine setups. Its a cheaper alternative to live rock but there can be some risk. Some people report there is excessive nuisance alga growth with this rock. This could be due to the rock not coming from a clean source (been exposed to fertilizers, pesticides which can leach into your tank). BTW what is the Tufa rock going for these days??
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Old 04-24-2011, 01:21 AM
SpateD SpateD is offline
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I just remember googling it and I think it was from a year or two ago, said 44 cents per pound.

I'm looking for marco dry rock.. I need 100-150 lbs and I want to spend around 200-300 getting it to my door.
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Old 04-24-2011, 01:33 AM's Avatar is offline
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Wow tufa rock for a reef I don't recommend it.
I have used it about 15 years ago it was of to use,lots of algae problems and the possibility of leaching metal traces into your aquarium in my opinion yes you could use it but is it worth the problems that be released by the rock.
I would spend a little money for the safety of the inhabitant going into your tank.or better yet you will see some reefers every now and then shutting down their tanks and you might get lucky with a good price but you will never beat 0.30 cents a lb if you are taking the plunge.
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Old 04-24-2011, 02:19 AM
Rogue951 Rogue951 is offline
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Originally Posted by SpateD View Post
So I'm trying to decide if I should order up Marco rock for my 120 reef... but I know it's quite pricy.

My question is, does anyone know anything about Tufa Rock? Is it good for a saltwater tank? Does it make for good Live Rock (density and all)?
marco rock is the cheapest of the rocks. only about $3 a pound. live rock is approx $7 a pound. what makes you think marco is pricey?
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Old 04-24-2011, 02:25 AM
SpateD SpateD is offline
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The Marco in Lethbridge is 4.50/lb.

Considering on the price is $285.00 for 150 lbs.... up here, it's beyond pricy.
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Old 04-24-2011, 02:43 AM
Rogue951 Rogue951 is offline
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j&l aquatics here is $150 for 50 lbs. free shipping over 100$.
only other sugguestion is shut down tank rock.
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Old 04-24-2011, 03:31 AM
NanoN00b NanoN00b is offline
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I doubt J&L will ship rock for the $100 deal. It's on dry goods only, not even lamps.

Tufa can be sourced from eastern BC in Alberta. There is a fellow who mines it for rock garden builders and the horticultural market. I recall near Sparwood?

Anyways, I'd recommend buying it at $4.50/lb or driving to Calgary for a day.

Tufa seems like a rock that would definitely invite algae, but I'm not about to setup a tank to try it - and I've never done it. YMMV.
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Old 04-25-2011, 03:35 AM
intarsiabox intarsiabox is offline
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I set up a 75g reef tank about 7 years ago with tufa and a few good pieces of real live rock to seed it. I had the tank running for 2 years and never had any algae problems. I only had soft corals and a few fish in it but everything grew like crazy in the tank. I personally wouldn't use tufa again though because it really doesn't look much to me like actual live rock, even after cured, and it is probably 4x as dense as live rock as well. Keeping an eye on canreef for people selling cheap live rock is what I would recommend even if it takes awhile to buy bits at a time as your budget allows. Good live rock has lots of amazing things on it to keep you interested while you build your collection and I think you will be more satisfied in the long run.
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