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Old 12-05-2010, 03:11 AM
reefwars reefwars is offline
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Default for those new to saltwater aquariums i offer my help:):)

well i put on an ad on kijiji telling people what certain things like rock should be sold at as alot of people who start new tanks go there and not canreef or other great sites. ive gotten alot of responses from new people to the hobby who arent sure how to get started or paid way to much for a new set up only to feel burdened by their tank and quit.its sad really because we all know its a great hobby and there are people out there who would rape your wallet and could care less if you have a tank or not as long as they make a sale(not talking about just lfs either)ive been giving advice and have invited alot of people over to ask questions or make a plan with some advice on where to search without paying " top dollar"

i offer my advice to them for free and help them get started, i help them figure out what they need, what they can afford,what they want and then help them to do all this.

after getting so many responces i figured i would start a thread here for any new comer to the hobby who would like to ask any questions or would like some hands on help approach on getting started.

all advice is free and i wouldnt give advice on anything i was unsure of or didnt know but rather help the individual find the answers they are looking for , i invite people over to ask questions in person or see my set ups and new build.

i have a bit of a soft heart for those who get ripped off so im happy enough just getting new people into the hobby with out any headache and enjoy their tanks the way i do.

if you have any questions pls feel free to post them here in this thread or personal message me directly or email me at

i charge absolutely nothing and my payment is interaction and satisfaction, i am selling nothing cheers all hope to here from some newbies!!!!!!!!!1

Last edited by reefwars; 03-25-2011 at 04:09 PM.
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Old 12-05-2010, 03:13 AM
reefwars reefwars is offline
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i will be posting this same ad on kijiji in hopes of getting alot of new people into the hobby thanks again guys and gals
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Old 12-05-2010, 03:27 AM
intarsiabox intarsiabox is offline
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Great job! I really enjoy helping beginners at various hobbies of mine too. People can read and get lots of info but it's never the same as one on one with someone who has gone through it all before.
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Old 12-05-2010, 03:32 AM
tgrover tgrover is offline
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Denny, I'm getting great advice from people you gave advice too!

And I will be asking you as well. This is an amazing forum and with people like you it will only get better.

Thanks, Tim
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Old 12-05-2010, 03:41 AM
reefwars reefwars is offline
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thanks guys, well lets be honest its a very expensive hobby and if you have help its not that bad, ive def helped alot of people get started and i know they are all very happy i did so. i myself need answers alot and i have alot of saltwater friends in edmonton who help me if i have any problems so i would like to return the favor. if i dont have the answers i can at least point them in the right direction

i agree its completely different to ask questions in person and alot of people would feel better asking the questions to someone not trying to sell them stuff and alot of people feel " dumb" when they have new questions when it shouldnt be like that at all cheers i hope to help alot of reefers
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Old 12-05-2010, 04:07 AM
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Thanks Denny. I used to tell people to buy rubbernaid containers for sumps when I worked at an LFS cause I just couldn't bring myself to sell a $200 sump. I would rather see them spend $ on livestock than fancy stuff that's not nessesarily "needed". I bought most of my stuff used and it has saved so much $.
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Old 12-05-2010, 04:22 AM
reefwars reefwars is offline
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Originally Posted by Dez View Post
Thanks Denny. I used to tell people to buy rubbernaid containers for sumps when I worked at an LFS cause I just couldn't bring myself to sell a $200 sump. I would rather see them spend $ on livestock than fancy stuff that's not nessesarily "needed". I bought most of my stuff used and it has saved so much $.

My thoughts exactly dez, it seems like alot of new people are afraid to ask questions and I'm also surprised at how many people have tanks and are constantly battling problems. Truth be told this hobby can be extremely simple or just like rocket science ... It's what we make it

This is such a beautiful hobby and I really want all people to enjoy it and not to be afraid to ask for help years ago back in nl I had a fowlr and not a single person to ask for advice or go to see their tank , so I'm glad the times are changing and we now have a fully accessible hobby that even the less experienced can enjoy
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Old 12-05-2010, 04:51 AM
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great post Denny, I too find myself telling newbies to check out kijiji and canreef to buy used for their first tanks, even though that may seem counter productive, but i have the same philosophy, help those get into tanks for a decent price, and in turn they always feel good about their tank and come back to see me for stock! So a win win as far as im concerned......hell i even had a board for used equipment in my last store for people to post up for free...

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Old 12-05-2010, 06:46 AM
reefwars reefwars is offline
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Originally Posted by RedCoralEdmonton View Post
great post Denny, I too find myself telling newbies to check out kijiji and canreef to buy used for their first tanks, even though that may seem counter productive, but i have the same philosophy, help those get into tanks for a decent price, and in turn they always feel good about their tank and come back to see me for stock! So a win win as far as im concerned......hell i even had a board for used equipment in my last store for people to post up for free...


thanks steve and i always tell people to visit your store and ask you for advice and i tell people your always willing to help people get started and not out to treat people like dollar signs , new equipment is great and in my opinion alot of it is a must have but for new people i believe there should be the option or knowlege of used gear to get im not saying to go buy the cheapest stuff you can find but if i know someone with a high end skimmer for sale for half of its cost than obviously thats a savings, what started this was seeing alot of problem rock for sale on kijiji in the last while with alot of hair algae and aiptasia or mojanos.....for like 8/lb............not right in my opinion alot of people try to pawn off full systems that are just getting by for 500-1000 when they are only 50gallons or so and when someone buys this they think great deal untill they realize their system is just getting by and upgrades are needed

alot of money can be spent if you buy on impulse or from advice from otheres without doing any re search and alot of new people dont know where to turn for advice.i was at big A's a little while ago and heard one of the staff say that an elegance is a perfect start up coral and this lady had said her tank is only running for a month..........not good advice for a coral that had a $230 price tag. i stepped in and said i would not purchase that coral and explained she should stick to beginner corals untill she has the hang of things. the staff member didnt ask about lighting,water parameters,or live stock....this lady had her young daughter there and was trying to make something nice for her daughter if she had of bought that in a week she would be mad her coral withered away and she would be that much closer to giving it up.cant stress enough about patience in this hobby

steve you are one of the great ones ive never ever seen you give advice just to make a sale and as the owner of the business you work there and interact with the customers which is the best practice imo keep up[ the good work and youll always have my business and i will always tell people to visit your store
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Old 12-05-2010, 06:52 AM
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good post I help newbies where I can I even buy up rock and stock pile it so newbies don't have to pay up to $13/ pound here in the loops. I sell it to them for what it costs me including my gas. I will search out any equipment they need if they ask me to do it for them I have a extra set of hands and eyes at home most of the time, (my wife has MS and is on the computer off and on throughout the day.) My wife find deals and leaves them up for me to look at. I have saved people Much $$$$$$.... and given them a lot of advice also, I commend what you are doing.

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