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Old 12-20-2009, 02:14 PM
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Thumbs up NEW - Fauna Marin Skimmer

We are pleased to be able to show you the very first photos of the new Fauna Marin skimmers.

The New FM skimmers are 100% serviceable, all parts are removable for cleaning, we beleive this to be a first at such serviceability.

The skimmers are powered by Aqua Bee pumps (No Chinese rubbish here) fitted with modified mesh wheels, but a series of different wheel styles will be available for people to choose what they prefer the most.

The skimemr body is manufactured using 100% German produced acrylic and of course the units made in Germany also. Claude has gone to great lengths to distance this new skimmer from anything "Chinese".

The skimmer has been designed to be very simple in set up and produce a very constant foam production.

One early reviewer wrote

"the skimmer is now up and running early results are very promising and being able to completely strip the skimmer down is a god send and it was very easy to set up too,i had my doubts when i see the foam impeller but the air it produces is very fine and the air though the diffuser plate is incredible smooth with very little turbulence within he skimmer body, this is a prototype i believe, as is the impeller design for me to try ,but my early thought are that this back to basics skimmer with minimal turbulence and long contact time will perform extremely well"

Supply - Initially these will be sold to a number of users in North America directly through Aqua Digital Inc with teh expectation of published reviews. After 6 months the units will then be distributed across our growing dealer network. You will be able to purchase at the reviewer price no sooner than the end of January.

Prices yet to be announced although some blog sites are already trying to (wrongly) guess.

Early picture releases

Old 12-20-2009, 04:22 PM
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I don't suppose there will be a HOB model will there?

300g tank
Old 12-20-2009, 04:38 PM
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Not that I am aware of at present sorry
Old 12-20-2009, 04:58 PM
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Very interesting. Have they released what size(s) (ie., size of tank rating or whatever) will be supported?
-- Tony
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Old 12-20-2009, 05:05 PM
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I will have this info either later today or tomorrow
Old 12-20-2009, 05:28 PM
gobytron gobytron is offline
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looks and sounds a lot like my Schuran...

It completely comes apart piece by piece for servicing and cleaning...

Also runs on the aquabee 2000/1.

Very similar looking too, also Schuran is german made so that may be the reason for the similarities.

Does this skimmer use the turboflotor technology?
A double chamber to increase water/air hang time?
Old 12-20-2009, 07:11 PM
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No its not a Schuran Their skimmers maybe white and have some removable parts but thats about as close a comparison there is really.


Closest looking Schuran

In regards to product information Claude will be providing this here soon
Old 12-20-2009, 07:11 PM
Fauna Marin Fauna Marin is offline
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What you see is a prototype for the european market
the color will be changed a little bit and the noise reduction system will be
changed also in the next days
for the NA market we developed at the moment a new pump and
wheel system.

Schuran Skimmers are a very old technology and it makes no sense for us to use this kind of system , cause our system brings a lot of more air and waterflow then the Shuran system compared to the same size.
Iám wondering that you say they look similar ?

rgds claude
Old 12-20-2009, 09:00 PM
gobytron gobytron is offline
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Though they do look similar, both using the aquabee for example...
I was more referencing the idea that fauna marin was the first to offer a skimmer that comes completely apart for servicing/cleaning.
I've been enjoying that convenient feature in my Jetskim 120 for years.

Can't wait to see this tested to compare.
Maybe in order to help differentiate you can offer some insight into just what sets this skimmer apart from others?

Aside from the fact that it's new how is it unlike some of the more tried tested and true skimmers out there?
I was confused maybe by the review that states its a "back to basics" skimmer?

Last edited by gobytron; 12-20-2009 at 09:07 PM.

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