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Old 08-21-2009, 04:47 AM
aussiecoral aussiecoral is offline
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Default pair of crosshatch triggers

i just recently bought a pair of crosshatch triggers, female is around 5" and male is around 7". I noticed their full grown is around 10". The only thing that scare me is i think tank is too small (75 gallons). I have read on many website that said they require minimum 75 gallons so i guess my tank is right size. I would like some of your advice if my tank is compatible for them since i don't want them to stress out in my tank, thanks in advance.
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Old 08-21-2009, 06:09 AM
trilinearmipmap trilinearmipmap is offline
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My advice is to return them if the store will accept them in return.

IMO a reputable store wouldn't sell them to you (or would strongly advise you not to get them) if you have a 75 gallon tank.

A few issues that will come up include physical room for swimming, waste production (a large metabolically active fish producing a lot of waste) and the potential for aggression in a small tank, even though these are said to be among the less aggressive triggers.

I don't know the actual recommended size for this species of trigger so someone who has personal experience with this fish might want to chime in.
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Old 08-21-2009, 06:58 AM
aussiecoral aussiecoral is offline
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Thank you so much for your advice, I know my tank is quite small for the pair of triggers, rightnow they are the only two fishes that I have in my tank. It just that they are so tempting to get them and I love them to death since they are so nice. I don't think the store will let me return them since they are worth quite a bit. Is it possible I just keep the two only triggers in my tank? I'm not planning to put any more fish. Thank you for your advice
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Old 08-21-2009, 12:35 PM
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I had a similar size pair of Crosshatch Triggers in my 270G display and they seemed a little cramped for space...a 75G is not suitable IMO. Actually that is one of the reasons I sold my pair, to get them into a bigger tank.

Any store that imports such expensive fish should have what it takes to take them back knowing they went into such a small display, even if you only get a store credit.

Perhaps consider setting up a quick 180G system, I am sure you could get a standard 6' tank and build a stand for less than you paid for the pair of fish.

Havinf owned a pair, seeing these fish with a little more room to operate will be much more enjoyable - they are truely spectacular and worthy of investing in a little more space for them.

Good luck with them.
I'm out.
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Old 08-21-2009, 01:10 PM
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If you think you want to find them a new home, please let me know. Send me a PM.
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Old 08-21-2009, 04:52 PM
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I would be happy to give you a trade for them when you are ready. But we're based in Edmonton, but have people go out there all the time.


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Old 08-21-2009, 09:41 PM
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Originally Posted by trilinearmipmap View Post
My advice is to return them if the store will accept them in return.

IMO a reputable store wouldn't sell them to you (or would strongly advise you not to get them) if you have a 75 gallon tank.

A few issues that will come up include physical room for swimming, waste production (a large metabolically active fish producing a lot of waste) and the potential for aggression in a small tank, even though these are said to be among the less aggressive triggers.

I don't know the actual recommended size for this species of trigger so someone who has personal experience with this fish might want to chime in.
Really good advice.
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Old 08-21-2009, 10:30 PM
aussiecoral aussiecoral is offline
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thank you everybody, i too think the same way, it's way too small for them, i guess it was so tempting to buy and regret to buy them. I will talk to the fish store and see what they will do. Thank you so much for all the advices, it is very helpful.
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Old 08-21-2009, 11:44 PM
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Originally Posted by aussiecoral View Post
thank you everybody, i too think the same way, it's way too small for them, i guess it was so tempting to buy and regret to buy them. I will talk to the fish store and see what they will do. Thank you so much for all the advices, it is very helpful.
It is a typical newbie mistake we all go through. The best thing to do is put the fish on hold if you like them than do the
research to see if you can meet their optimum needs and than return and buy the fish.
Be firm with the LFS about return of the fish as they should never have sold them to you. If they do not accept them back tell them you will never do business with them again.
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