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Old 05-14-2009, 05:04 AM
Nebthet Nebthet is offline
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Talking Nebthet's 56g Reef


- 56g tank
- 36" 234w 6x39w Tek T5HO light
- 30lb pacific black reef live sand
- 65lbs live rock fully cured.
- Aquaclear 70 HOB Filter
- Koralia 1 (will get another to upgrade to more flow)
- Koralia 3
- Vortech MP20
- Remora with Drain skimmer
- 300w heater


- 3 x SA Onyx Clownfish (Ordering an extra in case of issues. once paired. the 3rd will have a new home in my sisters' tank so it doesn't get picked on my the other two)
- 1x Picasso Clown
- 1x Bengaii Cardinal
- 1x Starry Blenny
- 1 x Blue Devil Damsel (If overly aggressive it will have a new home elsewhere)

- 6 hermit crabs
- 12 nassarius snails (will get more and cerith snails)

- Pulsing Xenia
- Elegance White tip, and purple tip.
- Aussie Duncan 24heads with babies
- Candy Canes Green 8 heads and growing
- Toadstool
- Zoanathids Peach eyed and Radioactive dragon eyes.
- Green Star Polyps
- SPS: Blue tipped tenuis, Tricolor Valida, another Tricolor, Green Bottlebrush, Red and Purple tipped Digitatas, Monti Cap Red and Green w/white rim.
- Burgandy plating algae
- Rainbow Chalice
- Tear Drop Maxima
- Blue/Purple Crocea or Maxea
- Ultra Blue/Green Crocea
- Orange and Green Bubble Tipped Anemone
- Sebae Anemone.

Well yestarday I took down the other tank and set up the 55g. I ended up getting what I needed in the mail. I am just waiting for the T5 lights which should arrive in the mail sometime around 10:30am.

Here are some pics of my progress of setting it up.

This is the empty tank sitting on the stand. Yes. I managed to get it up there all by myself. It was really heavy, but I was able to manipulate it by getting the end up first and then raising the rest up.
For leveling I put two boards underneath. This also ensures that the front and back rims of the tank are securely supported as otherwise it would not have fit. Thankfully I had those boards laying around from an old tv stand I used to have.

Tank shot showing the live sand.

Close up of the live sand. Pacific Black Reef.

Foggy tank shot. Thankfully it is clearing up bit by bit.

Tank shot tonight. Water is getting clearer. Once I get more rock in there tomorrow I will update with more pics. For now though all my fish are happy with the new room they have, especially my clownfish.

Last edited by Nebthet; 07-02-2010 at 09:40 AM.
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Old 05-14-2009, 05:58 AM
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Rbacchiega Rbacchiega is offline
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looks like you're off to a good start
75 gallon with 20 gallon sump in the works.
R. Bacchiega. Tattooer
I didn't smack you, I simply High Fived your face.
I've got so much glue on my pants it looks like a Friday night gone horribly wrong.
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Old 05-14-2009, 06:02 AM
Nebthet Nebthet is offline
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Thanks. I am just happy all my fish are really enjoying it. I am getting the 30lbs more live rock tomorrow from a guy in my area who is taking down his one tank, so I am hoping I get some good hitchickers with it. I asked others how his stuff was and they all had good things to say.

I also find the larger size much more entertaining to watch.
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Old 05-14-2009, 06:03 AM
pterfloth pterfloth is offline
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Looks great!
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Old 05-14-2009, 06:05 AM
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Looking forward to the 90gal upgrade thread ... what, we all know how upgrades go ...

Looks great!
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Old 05-14-2009, 06:54 PM
Nebthet Nebthet is offline
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Ok. Here is a quick update with the new lights and 30lbs of live rock added in.

Closer front tank shot

View slightly from the right side showing the added caves.

Left hand side of the tank showing the space I left back there for the more shy fish to hang out.
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