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Old 03-29-2009, 04:41 AM
fishguy29 fishguy29 is offline
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Default cleaner shrimp problem?

Hi there. I bought 2 cleaner shrimp 2 days ago and one died today and i can't figure out why. The other one is still alive but is upside down on my live rock and just keeps moving on the one piece of live rock. I acclimated them for 1.5 hours slowly was that enough or no? is there anything i should do with the one that i still have to help him or just wait and see. also, the salinty was the same in my tank as it was in the store. my water is as follow

ammonia - 0
nitrites - 0.1
nitrates - < 5
ph - 8.3
calcium - 420
78 temp
alkalinty - 11.5

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Old 03-29-2009, 04:46 AM
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Upside down isn't a problem; they often hang around like that. No way to know what happened to the other one... shrimp can be a bit tricky.

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Old 03-29-2009, 05:32 AM
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Originally Posted by fishguy29 View Post
Hi there. I bought 2 cleaner shrimp 2 days ago and one died today and i can't figure out why. The other one is still alive but is upside down on my live rock and just keeps moving on the one piece of live rock. I acclimated them for 1.5 hours slowly was that enough or no? is there anything i should do with the one that i still have to help him or just wait and see. also, the salinty was the same in my tank as it was in the store. my water is as follow

ammonia - 0
nitrites - 0.1
nitrates - < 5
ph - 8.3
calcium - 420
78 temp
alkalinty - 11.5

When did you set up this tank?
How did you acclimate the shrimp? They should not die if the measured salinity, and temperature is the same and you acclimate them slowly for 6 hours (drip drip drip)
How did you do it?
What is the salinity in the tank? If it is less than 1.025 slowly increase it to 1.026. Many LFS use lower salinity.
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Old 03-29-2009, 03:08 PM
fishguy29 fishguy29 is offline
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what does LFS stand for? I accimulated them but not 6 hours that might be some of the issue but the other one is fine. salinity is 1.024 but the other one is ok i will slowly bring it up a bit and hopefully this one will be ok
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Old 03-29-2009, 03:10 PM
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Local Fish Store =LFS
When did you start up your tank?
Has it cycled?
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Old 03-29-2009, 03:12 PM
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Old 03-29-2009, 03:13 PM
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LFS=Local Fish Store. You don't need to acclimate shrimp for 6 hours, I mean seriously, who has pateince for that!!
I just added 2 peppermints yesterday, acclimated for 20 minutes, dumped them in, they're happy. This LFS keeps their water pretty close to mine, so temp is pretty much all I worry about.
A good indicator is when adding tank water to the holding bag/container, if I see any "swirling" (indicating a big difference in salinity and/or temp) I take a bit more time. But not 6 hours!
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Old 03-29-2009, 03:17 PM
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You don't need to acclimate shrimp for 6 hours, I mean seriously, who has pateince for that!!
Wow. I thought I was crazy. Maybe I still am..... I got a cleaner shrimp last Thursday that's doing fine, and I only acclimatized it for about 1.5 hours. Figured it was enough, and signs of stress were very minimal.

But six hours? Is there anything that /really/ needs to acclimatize that long?
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Old 03-29-2009, 03:24 PM
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I have two cleaners, added consecutively about a year apart. Both are fine and I acclimated each for about an hour, maybe hour and a half. Are you certain that the one you say died is actually dead? Don't know the size of tank but if it's a large system the other one may be hiding after moulting. They will often moult not long after being introduced and the moult will look very much like a complete, dead shrimp.
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Old 03-29-2009, 03:30 PM
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Well it seems like 6 hours. I float the bag in the tank water for 30 minutes.
Set up the drip line
Place the bag with the inverts in a bucket.
Drip the tank water in the bucket
Seems like 6 but it is probably 4.

I do this for shrimp, snails, starfish, sea hares and all other inverts.
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