Originally Posted by parkinsn
what kind of fish do you have that love it so much? I have tryed a couple CBB and they only live for a few months and thats it. I have also tryed berghia nudie's and i have no idea if they are still alive or not cuz they are so small i never see them, and most of my aptaisa are to big for them to eat.
Well, it's a Pinnatus Batfish that I ordered in(with full prior knowledge and experience of keeping this nearly impossible to keep fish). Hoping to make him the star attraction of my bowfront FOWLR. He's currently in a well-established mixed reef and I specifically provided him with some aiptasia along with anything else he wants to eat. To my delight he loves aiptasia but I would have been happy to feed him anything else he wants. So, I don't suggest anyone try getting one just to eat aiptasia, and most people would say leave in the ocean(along with Moorish Idols, orange-spotted filefishes,and ribbon eels !)