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Old 01-17-2008, 01:34 AM
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Default OA has my repeat business

Why? Some of you other vendor(s) might take note

I made an order before Xmas. He did not have the item on inventory.

1. He emailed me and told me so, and would be sent out ASAP when it came in, didn't leave me hanging
2. He emailed again and apologized for the lateness of the order
3. He emailed again and said it would be ship in the next few days and to boot he gave me boxing day pricing too( wasn't asking for it either)
4. I didn't have to email Wendell to find out where my stuff was, nor did I mind it was delayed, because I was kept in the loop about my order.
5. OA wants my business...he cares about his customers(my order was small)...Other businesses and you know who you are, do not give squat about service, never reply to status of orders or even take an order seriously but try to give excuses about why it wasn't fulfilled(the order)
6. Disclaimer...this is my personal experience and other vendors,other than OA, I may have inadvertantly mentioned or implied may be fictious in nature. Others may differ in opinion
7. I have my own business too...Service to customers is everything...
Old 01-17-2008, 02:16 AM
Canuckgod420 Canuckgod420 is offline
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I agree...Janet and Wendell are great people.....always willing to answer your questions.
180G tank, custom DIY stand, Sunlight Supply-Sun Blaze 48" 8 bulb T5HO fixture, EuroReef CS6-1 and Vertex in 180 skimmers, 1/4 HP chiller, Tunze wavebox, 40G sump, and 40G refugium.
Old 01-17-2008, 02:29 AM
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I've had some pretty crappy dealings with a few of the other stores in regards to customer service and one in particular that I had to deal with months of bold face lies(really unfortunate cause a lot of others have had the same experience and from what could be a really good store). I have had nothing but exemplary service from Wendell and Janet thats why I pump them and the store up whenever I can cause they really deserve it.

Last edited by reptile guy; 01-17-2008 at 02:37 AM.
Old 01-17-2008, 02:37 AM
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I have had a similar experience with OA. I bought 2 boxes of live rock earlier this month and Wendell was great to deal with. He was very helpful answering my questions and kept me constantly updated what was happening.

Was also very pleased with the Westjet air cargo service that OA uses to send livestock. Very fast and easy to deal with compared to other shipping options.

I would definitely order from them again.
Old 01-17-2008, 03:57 AM
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Yup, banner company in my opinion too!

I bought a new light fixture for my tank and one bulb was flickering randomly. I emailed OA and Wendell said that warranty was through Current USA, but he would contact them and try to stick handle the situation for me. They agreed it was likely a bulb issue and not the ballast and sent a new bulb to me through OA. Works like a charm now.

I'm a happy customer.
Old 01-17-2008, 04:14 AM
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Wendell and O/A is "top drawer" in my books.

Old 01-17-2008, 06:28 AM
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Gave my business to another store when I was in their area, and have been given run around for the past 9 months and now I want my money back. Met Wendell for a small piece of specialty hardware on Boxing Day, nice guy, super cool frags, close to my house to boot.
Old 01-17-2008, 06:42 AM
Sebae again Sebae again is offline
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Thumbs up

I had a small issue with a bulb and he exchanged it no problem.Basically he wasn't happy unless I was happy. They have alot of kool items that no one else has plus its always a treat to see Janet.
Old 01-17-2008, 06:54 AM
atcguy atcguy is offline
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Default yep

Its quite simple. they want your business and know how to treat customers. I spend a lot of money in this hobby and all I can say if I am giving my money to a local store its always OA. there is no upselling here. just good advice from wendell , I love it when you are going to buy a product and he tells you that you dont need it!!! Honest people equals trust. Simply the best store in the Lower Mainland and possibly canada or western canada. Lucky to have them 15 minutes away. Only problem I go in for one thing and leave with many. Its the COSTCO of reef stores.............
White Rock
Old 01-17-2008, 07:38 PM
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Yup always been good to me

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