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Old 12-08-2007, 07:51 AM
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Default ... The Taser Agenda

From David Icke Newsletter


The prime role of Taser technology is the same as the electric shocks that mice receive in laboratory behaviour-control experiments. The mice are shocked each time they try to enter certain channels and eventually they stop trying. The fear of being shocked is enough to control them and that's the real role of the Taser.

The videos of people being Tasered, and the stories of those who die, are no problem for those in real authority. They want people to see this because it is saying ... 'Look what will happen to you if you don't obey'. An article I saw about the Taser XREP included this line from the writer: 'We'll behave ourselves, officer, but please, just point that thing somewhere else'.

That's exactly the mentality that the Taser is designed to instil ...

... It shows how far we have come down the Orwellian road that the website can say that the Taser is a 'proven solution for stopping violence'. Hitting another human being with 50,000 volts of electricity is considered to be 'stopping violence'. Ahh, but you see the authorities are never violent, even when they are pepper-bombing cities.

Only the people are violent. The authorities merely employ the 'use of force'.
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Old 12-08-2007, 08:43 AM
hillbillyreefer hillbillyreefer is offline
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I hate authority but I'd much rather be tasered than shot. Control is the goal of all elected and unelected "officials" and the cops are their minions. Why do you think most of the world's "elected" officials support the UN. The UN insn't elected and they don't answer to anyone. They have the people brainwashed into thinking they are "Good", not a bunch of unelected dictators. When the UN supports something the left media makes a big deal of it and then we all figure the UN said it so it is a good thing to support. Take UNICEF boxes for instance. We all throw some coins in at Halloween and feel good, right? How much of that actually gets to poor kids in third world countries. I'm going out on a limb and saying "NONE". It's swallowed up by the UN and their nice building in NY and a little goes to the countries in need. The stuff that gets there is stolen by dictators and warlords and we still have the same problem. A good way to solve the problem would be for us to quit giving them money and starve the upper class of funds used to keep the common folk down. Then the common people could hold their heads up and take back the power. Welfare never works, take a look at your local reservation, or inner city. If you keep providing for people that don't want to do anything you'll get TROUBLE. Human's need to work, not be kept, if allowed to be kept they have no reason to work and become a huge drain on society. If made to work to survive there are many less problems.

Friday rant over.
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Old 12-08-2007, 08:53 AM
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Yeah, all these are serious issues,
I agree, its hard to believe that any of the donations go to poor kids or Cancer research etc. Especially when one realizes that global agenda is not exactly on the peoples side and quite the opposite.
Just watched the "EndGame" by Alex Jones and OMG ! was this a scary movie !
if what he is trying to prove is 1% true, this is still very scary IMO.
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Old 12-08-2007, 04:05 PM
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Ya, you only hear the Tazer bad news. not how many were successfully tazered. ANd in reality, if you get tazered, you musta been doing something wrong and if it wasnt fro tazers, what the cops got? 7mm?? Sure, that has a better surviveability rate
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Old 12-08-2007, 07:25 PM
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Originally Posted by banditpowdercoat View Post
ANd in reality, if you get tazered, you musta been doing something wrong and if it wasnt fro tazers, what the cops got? 7mm??
Thats not always true.I would like to think for the most part cops are decent people,but like any other job,there are fascists and control freaks who will over extend their authority at the slightest provocation.These people need a closer look at.The Tazer its self is just a tool,but in the wrong hands it becomes a weapon,just as other non-lethal devices such as a baton or can of pepper spray can also become weapons.Yet we seldom hear about deaths occurring from batons or pepper spray.50,000 volts is a hell of a kick,and I also feel we need to look closer at the effects from this,not just on healthy men and women,but on a wide spectrum including health and age variables.On the other hand,some of the people in the videos I've seen being Tazered,were complete idiots,mouthy,belligerent, swearing at the cop.But not violent,not being physically aggressive,then wham out comes the Tazer and zap.I'm sure it would have been more satisfying to take out the baton and beat the living crap out of him ala Rodney King but we all know what happened after that one.So it leaves the question.Do cops have the right to Tazer someone who although are verbally aggressive,aren't being physically aggressive.
No matter how hard you try, you can't baptise cats.
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