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Old 08-17-2007, 05:51 AM
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Default I think we should step back a bit

Now before i start this i want to state this really clear, i am not starting this thread to attack, annoy or start an argument. i am just stating an opinion.

its my opinion that lately we have become really aggressive on here. it seems like every 3 or 4th thread a war has begun and then it gets closed. i'm not sure why really. when i first started out this forum it got me to where i am today. you guys helped me out a ton whether you answered direct questions of mine or i was 'lurking' on your amazing tank journals and sucking up what ever info i could. but lately, in my opinion, it has become a buy & sell forum and a place to 'flash our keyboard muscle' at each other. having a difference in opinion is really good, as long as both parties respect each other and listen to the other. i actually prefer threads that the really experienced guys and new guys get on and debate back and forth on ideas and methods but i'm getting tired of following threads that when a difference in opinion is brought up, people attack each other.

maybe i'm out to lunch on this. i dont mean to sound like a sappy tree hugger but i would like to see this board go back to an easy going informative and fun website to go to. let me know what you think. is it just me feeling this way or do you feel the same way?

sorry for the rant, i guess it was my turn to vent tonight............

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Old 08-17-2007, 06:41 AM
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I haven't noticed it much...but maybe because I spend time on RC, too, and the atmosphere on there is often toxic.

There are always ways to say things civilly and to disagree politely, though. Rudeness and arrogance is never acceptable.

Okay, now that I think about it...yeah. There's a bit of a sense of "chronological snobbery" that weaves throughout the world of aquaria. The longer you've been on, the older you are...yada yada yada. Condescending attitudes toward young people is pretty low in my books.

Ok, I'm done my mini rant too

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Old 08-17-2007, 06:50 AM
Sebae again Sebae again is offline
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So,what's wrong with sappy tree huggers ?
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Old 08-17-2007, 07:07 AM
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Fight! Fight! Fight!

Oh..I mean..uhh....*hugs tree*

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Millions long for immortality who do not know what to do with themselves on a rainy Sunday afternoon. ~S. Ertz

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Old 08-17-2007, 12:46 PM
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You are right. I am somewhat guilty. If someone says something on here that is a little over the top eg: not wanting people to post non-related reef stuff in the lounge section, well it bothers me and yes I feel the need to respond. I don't call others names but I can be sort of sarcastic but I try not to be outrightly rude. However I can see how it could offend others. If I have been overly offensive I apologize, I wasn't trying to be rude.
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Old 08-17-2007, 01:28 PM
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Originally Posted by niloc16 View Post
Now before i start this i want to state this really clear, i am not starting this thread to attack, annoy or start an argument. i am just stating an opinion.

its my opinion that lately we have become really aggressive on here. it seems like every 3 or 4th thread a war has begun and then it gets closed. i'm not sure why really. when i first started out this forum it got me to where i am today. you guys helped me out a ton whether you answered direct questions of mine or i was 'lurking' on your amazing tank journals and sucking up what ever info i could. but lately, in my opinion, it has become a buy & sell forum and a place to 'flash our keyboard muscle' at each other. having a difference in opinion is really good, as long as both parties respect each other and listen to the other. i actually prefer threads that the really experienced guys and new guys get on and debate back and forth on ideas and methods but i'm getting tired of following threads that when a difference in opinion is brought up, people attack each other.

maybe i'm out to lunch on this. i dont mean to sound like a sappy tree hugger but i would like to see this board go back to an easy going informative and fun website to go to. let me know what you think. is it just me feeling this way or do you feel the same way?

sorry for the rant, i guess it was my turn to vent tonight............

Well said Colin. Its unfortunate but like most public internet boards with a broad spectrum of members, these things happen at times. I agree its sad that an aquarium forum is used to vent ones feeling on other subjects. Keeps the staff busy, thats for sure.
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Old 08-17-2007, 02:08 PM
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Originally Posted by Sebae again View Post
So,what's wrong with sappy tree huggers ?
Well, they're all covered in sap for one thing...
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Old 08-17-2007, 02:34 PM
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Most of us are passionate about the hobby, its hard to not let that reflect in our replies or conversations to one another.

But, I agree , Step away from the keyboard !....go clean your skimmers you slackers !

But during the years ive watched countless spats, more often longwinded debates where each tries to prove a point.....problem is, theres a point where noone learns from it anymore, and it becomes really about getting the last word or at the very least not step down in front of his peers.

I think something that we all should learn to do in our replies, is just before we hit the "submit" button.....ask yourself, will i or anyone else learn anything out of this reply ?

So beside the submit button....there should also be a reality check button.

I should say this is mostly on the big boards, but is also here, and it also excludes me because i wear a cape.

Hey, did you ever wonder who`s truly on display ? , our fish or us ?

I bet my fish say..."what the hell did he go and make for us now"..." "k, guys....when you see his head pop up over the back, just pretend your just want some food, and then lets all pull him in and drown the fool ! "

Now, if you all want the last word, become a Mod....they always truly have the last say...thread closed !

Confucious say : Things that come to those who wait, will be things left over by those who didnt.

Last edited by SuperFudge; 08-17-2007 at 02:36 PM.
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Old 08-17-2007, 02:40 PM
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Originally Posted by SuperFudge View Post
and it also excludes me because i wear a cape.
Yes, but you also wear your mom's leotards..
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Old 08-17-2007, 02:43 PM
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Originally Posted by muck View Post
Yes, but you also wear your mom's leotards..

and your undies on the outside
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