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Old 02-15-2007, 03:06 AM
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Default Lunare Wrasse in a Bare Bottom tank

I am starting to see an increase in cyano in my fowlr. I was wondering how my lunare wrasse would do without sand. He does "dive-bombs" in and out of the sand and wondering if I took out the sand if this would affect the wrasse.
He is a great fish and I would hate to lose him.
Thanx. H.
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Old 02-15-2007, 03:53 AM
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Likely it will affect him but he might "get over it"

Previously I had a 3" sandbed in my 90 gallon with a tailspot wrasse which loved to sleep in the sandbed and was constantly diving into it a few hours before bedtime. I had major issues with my tank and ended up removing the sandbed. Night after night the wrasse would dive into the rocks and I'd find him sleeping upside down nestled under the rock. It wasn't until about a week later that I noticed he had a nasty gouge in his gill flap that got progressively worse. I guess all that diving was really taking its toll and he wasn't exactly learning from it. I got really worried about his health even though he was still eating, the wound was taking so long to heal. Eventually I put a couple of neon gobies in the tank (mostly for fun and some for ich) and they cleaned up the wound and it healed pretty quickly. I haven't seen any problems since. It took several months for that wound to heal up though, I would imagine it took him awhile to figure out that crashing into the rocks every night wasn't such a good idea.

Anyway, thats my story. Hopefully everything works out well with your wrasse
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