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Old 01-25-2007, 03:21 PM
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Default New Stock List - Inverts and fishies

Being that I now have a new supplier, I now can get a bigger selection.
Some things are cheaper, therefore more viable for me to bring in and some things are actually a bit more, so the prices will be adjusted a bit accordingly.
I think in general everyone will be happy.
LMK if there is anything you are looking for.


1 - 10/ 11 - 49 / 50 +
Astrea 2.00 / 1.75 / 1.50
Nassarius 2.00 / 1.75 / 1.50
Margaritas 2.00 / 1.75 / 1.50
Cerith 2.00 / 1.75 / 1.50

Mexican Turbos - 2.50 a piece
Bumble bee - 3.00 a piece
Dwarf ceriths - 1.50 a piece

Harlequin shrim - 25.00
Cleaner shrimp - 20.00
peppermint shrimp - 10.00
Camel shrimp - 10.00
Coral banded - 15.00
Purple Lobster - 20.00

Blue legged hermits, mexican tri-colour, mexican red-tipped - 1.50 a piece (my cost for whatever reason is substantially higher with this new dealer) 1.25 for 25 +
Scarlett hermits - 3.00 a piece or 4 for 10.00
boxer crab(pom pom crab) - 15.00
emerald crab - 10.00

Brittle star - 12.50
Chocolate Chip - 10.00
Sand Sifting - 15.00
Orange Linkia - 25.00
Blue Linkia - 25.00

Pencil Urchins - 15.00
long spinned - 15.00
Pin cushion - 15.00
Misc colured urchins - 15.00
short spined urchins - 15.00

Green bubbled tip - 40.00 (medium)
Rose bubbled tip - 100.00 (medium)
Orange tube anemone - 50.00


Blue tang - (1 - 2inches) - 45.00
Mandarin Spotted Goby - 20.00
Lawnmower blenny med - 20.00
Benghai cardinal - 25.00
Flame Angel - 50.00
Clown Goby (yellow) - 10.00
3 - 4 inch electric Clams - 60.00
bi colour Blenny -20.00
strawberry pseudochromis - 20.00
Gold stripped maroon clown - big - 3.5 inches - 30.00

Over 75 Zoo Colonies - frags - 20.00 colonies starting at 40.00
Acros - 60.00 blue, yellow, pink, green, and purple
Octospawn (form of frogspawn) frag - 20.00 per head
Fire torch - frag - 15.00 per head

these are what I have available...Mostly I only have one of the mentioned.

Unfortunately I was unable to fill some orders.

I am picking this stuff up tonight - 9 boxes worth - definitely my biggest shipment yet.
LMK if there is anything that you want
Way too much time and money has gone into this hobby....and yet, I CAN'T STOP

Last edited by howdy20012002; 02-05-2007 at 04:49 AM.
Old 01-30-2007, 12:08 AM
bbb1080 bbb1080 is offline
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im new here, where abouts are you located? and what are your hours?
Old 01-30-2007, 04:41 AM
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Wish I was there...your prices are fantastic!!!
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Old 01-30-2007, 07:57 AM
labtech labtech is offline
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hi ,
i'm a newbe too !
just got a new 110g tank and would love to see what you have in stock for me.
where are you located and please email me at
Old 01-30-2007, 09:28 PM
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Default just had to post a pix

Here is a pix of my new clams from neal.

so cool

now greyhound was a nightmare!!!
Old 01-30-2007, 10:46 PM
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VERY nice.

Uhoh, what happened with Greyhound??
-- Tony
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Old 01-31-2007, 03:32 AM
Chaotic Cricket Chaotic Cricket is offline
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When is greyhound service good anyways?
Old 02-05-2007, 04:49 AM
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Updated prices and stock
Thanks for looking
Way too much time and money has gone into this hobby....and yet, I CAN'T STOP

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