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Old 12-30-2006, 03:11 AM
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Default AquaSafe RODI Setup Q's

Hi all,

Got this unit thanks to Seahorse_Fanatic the other day and I'm just about figured out all the different parts - I'm going to be going the faucet adapter route from J&L or Home Depot, but the question is in regards to the equipment I currently have and what I might need to get things working properly.

The unit I have seems to be set up to allow the bypass of the "taste" OR to go through and use it for water. I don't know if I have all the connects and I really don't want to hook it up and spill water all across my bathroom. It wouldn't be the first time, but I'd just rather not

Can you see from this setup what I'd need to get as far as equipment other than the faucet adapter?

I do not plan on affixing it under the sink, I will run the waste tube into the sink drain in the bathroom.

Here's two pictures - first is the unit, second is the hoses I currently have:

Thanks in advance!!!

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Old 12-30-2006, 04:21 AM
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IMO, looks like you're good to go. These things don't really need a lot of peripherals. As long as you get the faucet adapter and put the waste hose down the drain you're fine. IMO, I'd remove the "taste/odor filter" altogether, I found they added to my TDS (only by a couple of points) but didn't really do anything (unless of course you're going to be drinking the stuff ).
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Old 12-30-2006, 04:50 AM
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Well - see, I was going to use the Taste/Odor filter for my drinking water, which is what I planned on using this for, too

Saves me ever having to get bottled water again - But I guess I can just take that off until I need it for drinking water.

It looks so complicated but it so isn't when you get right down to it, there's just so many hoses it's a tad daunting at first glance
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Old 12-30-2006, 05:54 AM
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How you get the best of both worlds (drinking good tasting water and getting ultra-pure H20 for your tank) is by adding a T-connection between the RO and DI units like so:

The T is a little hard to see behind my broken garbage disposal but you can see where the blue line comes out of the 4-point valve thingy and into the T rather than directly into the DI chamber. One half of the T goes into the DI (the blue line coming out of the T in the picture) while the other half goes into carbon "taste" filter (the white line).

On the "out" side of the DI chamber is a ball valve.

The result is that your drinking water by-passes the DI chamber entirely. You would get your tank water straight out of the DI from the ball valve without having to deal with the "taste" filter.

Another benefit is that you'll save your expensive DI resin for your tank and only your tank.
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Old 12-30-2006, 06:15 AM
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Erm.... uh.... I sort... of... kind of.... get that. I think. Maybe.

So I've got the blue line going into the T.

1 exit of that T goes into the DI chamber. That flows out from teh DI chamber to a hose with the flow shutoff (the white thing with the blue close thing)

The other tube looks like it goes into the "T" valve of the taste filter.

So, got that. Now - the problem I'm having is that the "Flow" for the taste filter for me would be going toward the top of your sink, to the single clear line out. The T valve is for me on the opposite of the flow. I see you have a clear line going up, and one going down - How do you stop the water from flowing out endlessly? This is where I'm confused....

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Old 12-30-2006, 06:20 AM
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and I just realized I seem to be lacking one of the small plastic "holders" for those tubes. Buckets - but I guess I don't *need* it for the on/off flow switch coming from the DI unit, right? Maybe? Ugh
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Old 12-30-2006, 06:43 AM
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You've got the whole DI/aquarium water bit.

Your confusion with the drinking water side comes from (I think) the fact that you have a "basic" kit. The line you see going out of my taste filter up towards the top of the sink ends with a drinking fountain-style faucet. The clear line you see come from the bottom of the picture and into the "in" tee of the taste filter is connected to a holding tank. With the faucet on one end and the tank on the other, the system remains closed and pressurized until you turn the faucet on.
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Old 12-30-2006, 06:47 AM
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AH. Okay - now, see, I don't have the faucet. What can I do to keep the water from flowing out the top? I have the holding container, but does that hold water for the aquarium or for drinking?

What is your blue valve controlled tube coming out of the DI unit used for? Do I not have enough stuff to do both? Can I get anything to stop the flow at like, Home Depot or something?
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Old 12-30-2006, 06:56 AM
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To help explain:

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Old 12-30-2006, 06:58 AM
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The simplest solution is to just stick a second ball valve on the end for your drinking water as well.

The ball valve coming out of the DI chamber is the water I use for my aquarium - pure <1 TDS RO/DI.
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