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Old 11-26-2006, 10:17 PM
windeindoiel windeindoiel is offline
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Default trouble with bubble tip anemone

So I got this anemone a few days ago, and it hasn't been looking good since. We tried feeding it yesterday and *I think* it ate the shrimp we gave it. It's moved itself under a rock out of the light, and has been really droopy and stuff. Is it going to be ok and is there anything I can do for it?
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Old 11-26-2006, 10:41 PM
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The first thing you should do is get it away from that powerhead. Do you have an established tank with good water quality and sufficient light? Those are definately required to keep a healthy anemone.
Other than that it is really a waiting game. It is a good sign that it is capable of moving and also that it is attached itself to a rock. If it starts to die though get it out of your tank as it can pollute the entire tank.
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Old 11-27-2006, 12:43 AM
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The tips have colour, so I'm thinking it's okay. But, indeed, get it away from the powerhead. Also, make sure your powerheads are anemone-proofed so they don't have any parts that will suck up the anemone when it moves around.

Two timelapse videos taken of our GBTA shortly after we got it. Photos using a flash were taken ten minutes apart and strung together to show the movements of the GBTA at night....

Video of GBTA moving around at night and a second video taken the next night.

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Old 11-27-2006, 01:24 AM
windeindoiel windeindoiel is offline
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We have a coralife metal halide with moon lights and all sorts of fancy.

Everything in the tank isn't ours, my boyfriends boss had to move to a rental house until their house is built. The tank it was in before had been up for over 3 years I think. Then we moved all the live rock and inverts and fish to our tank. It's been set up this way for about 4 months. There's lots of other corals, a clam and another anemone in the tank, all of which are doing fine. Well the other anemone moves around a lot so I don't know about that one.

The powerhead has it's intake on the back where it's up against the glass, and I'm watching the anemone to make sure it doesn't stick it's tentacle things back there.

I'm thinking now that's it's just going to take this guy awhile to adjust, everyone I've talked to said not to worry, so I'll try not to.

Another question though, when we bought the anemone we also picked up some star polyps. A few of them are coming out but most of them aren't, are they ok? Also where should we put these guys in the tank? We have other ones too but they've never really taken off, which we want them to.
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Old 11-27-2006, 02:45 AM
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Star polyps like quite a bit of flow, but not direct flow.

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