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Old 11-26-2006, 04:44 AM
SeaHorse_Fanatic SeaHorse_Fanatic is offline
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Default Bye-bye sw fish room, Hello 220g reef tank :)

Well, my wife & I decided to convert my sw fish room back into our spare bedroom for 2 Korean homestay students who are coming in Dec.
The bad news is that I have to tear down & transfer out 300g of sw tanks, sumps & refugiums.
Bye, bye smaller reef tanks.

Hello new 220 gallon reef tank with 72 gallon sump

Side view of the sump/plumbing.

Front view of new sump/plumbing (Thanks TomR )

Big thanks goes out to Chris, Rippin, Fkshiu, yvr, and Fishbreath for helping move the tank & equipment over. Also to DeepRed for selling me the system for a great price. And especially to my friend TomR who spent Saturday here helping me to plumb in my tank.

If you see it, can take care of it, better get it or put it on hold. Otherwise, it'll be gone & you'll regret it!
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Old 11-26-2006, 03:32 PM
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Hi Anthony

It looks great and it is all still standing. Just add water, salt, rock (BB), corals and fish and you will never give another thought to the old fish room again.
Your more than welcome for the help. Anyone who would trust an accountant to do there plumbing can't be all wrong.

Tom R
My Tank Setup
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Old 11-26-2006, 03:54 PM
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Anthony where are you putting the new tank? It looks like it is going to be an amazing system when you get all you livestock transfered.
I just wish I could recriut that many people to give me a hand when I set up my 300g cube.
I know someone that will be coming down to stay with your in-laws that has lots of practice cleaning out old tanks when you get the transfer done and would "love" to give you a hand!
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Old 11-26-2006, 05:12 PM
SeaHorse_Fanatic SeaHorse_Fanatic is offline
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Thanks again for helping with the plumbing-brainstorm. The plumbing is so clean & out-of-the-way this time, my sump will be much easier to access. Those steel L brackets really strengthened the stand, that's for sure.


The new tank will go where our old hutch used to be for hold fancy plates & glasses. Unfortunately, my parents want us to keep this "family heirloom" (go figure ) so that will have to go into the spare room "formerly known as Anthony's marine fishroom." So the big tank will be in the dining room area, on the other side of the kitchen wall. I'm debating whether to set up the 90g split cube tank/seahorse refugium again in the living room or just a 20" cube as the new seahorse refugium.

If you see it, can take care of it, better get it or put it on hold. Otherwise, it'll be gone & you'll regret it!
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Old 11-26-2006, 05:28 PM
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Yet another great start to a great "Canreef Tank".
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Old 11-26-2006, 05:32 PM
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The new tank will go where our old hutch used to be for hold fancy plates & glasses. Unfortunately, my parents want us to keep this "family heirloom" (go figure ) so that will have to go into the spare room "formerly known as Anthony's marine fishroom." So the big tank will be in the dining room area, on the other side of the kitchen wall. I'm debating whether to set up the 90g split cube tank/seahorse refugium again in the living room or just a 20" cube as the new seahorse refugium.
Rupert and I were looking at the pictures last night wondering where on earth you were going to fit another large tank in the main living area . Now I know

300g tank
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Old 11-26-2006, 06:11 PM
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Just looking at your plumbing...If you've got two bulkheads in the bottom of each overflow, you might consider using both as exits. (It looks like you are using one of the bulkheads in each for a return)

If you could stand to run the returns over the top of the tank, you could get a much quieter system. If you would like to listen to the difference, you are welcome to visit... but you'll have to do it soon as I'm going to take water out of the tank by the end of the week.

You would also need to purchase a couple of gate valves.

Trust me..the difference is truly amazing. Best to do it now, than wish you had done it later.
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Old 11-26-2006, 06:14 PM
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Hmm...I just realized that your overflow boxes also allow water to enter in the lower and middle portions. would still work, even with those entrances. You would just have to dial back the gate valves until the water rose above those entrances. The entrances would still pull water just the same.

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Old 12-02-2006, 03:09 PM
SeaHorse_Fanatic SeaHorse_Fanatic is offline
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Well, just spent most of the week making new RODI/saltwater. The all day Friday was spent transferring Live Rock first, then corals, & finally fish into the new 220g. Thanks Morgan for a hand in the morning & thanks TomR for a hand plumibing in the return pump. That pipecutter is sure handy.

Plumbed in my 40w Lifeguard UV sterilizer in last night around 1:30am. No leaks detected & with the help of a micron sock, the tank is looking spectacular this early morning. Usually not a morning person, but this is like Christmas morning to a fish nut like me to check out the new tank the morning after. Will post pics as soon as I can find my battery charger.

I'm really pleased with the aquascaping & I took advantage of the 2-sided viewing & 24" width with the rock work.

So far, the fish & corals seem to like the new tank. Heck, the Powder Blue Tang didn't even ick up & I would have bet money that it would.

Seahorses have now been transferred into their new home in the sump.We'll see how well they do in their new environment.

Sorry for the lack of pics, but soon. For local reefers, you're welcome to swing by to look at the new tank in person

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Old 12-02-2006, 05:14 PM
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How did you manage to have your sump bubbleless enough to put seahorses in it?

Oh and......................
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