70G acrylic FS
I bought the tank off Gobigurl to temporarily house my corals and fish while I moved....It has alot of scratches and the black paint is peeling off on the back....would make an awesome sump since it has the extra depth to handle a power outage (no spilling) Its approx 4ftx16inchesx 30inches tall$50
180g tank(6x2x2) w/170lbs LR, 2-250W 1-400W Halides, 2-3ft t5 Actinics,H&S 1260 200 Skimmer, 1-Tunze 6000stream w/controller, 1-6060stream, 70g sump, 30g refugium Neptune controller, Sequence Hammerhead inline return, Lifeguard 25W UV, 1-Tunze osmolator, 1-Tunze wavebox, 1/4Hp Pacific Coast chiller, MarineTech calcium reactor