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Old 07-18-2006, 04:05 AM
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Default Eels??

Just bought a FOWLR 77 gallon.
Just starting to contemplate what I want to put in there (if anything at all) with the fishes that came with the tank. (picasso trigger, purple tang, goby, bi colour angel, and my own copperbanded butterfly.)
Am playing with the idea of a eel perhaps?
I am just starting the research phase and was looking for advice around eels.
Never really had thought about them before so I have no idea what their needs are and what, if any, tank mates they will endure.
Are there big differences in the species? if so, what types would u suggest?
Any info would be greatly appreciated.
BTW, I am not saying that I am going to get one, I am just toying with the idea and want to get people's opinions and ideas on it..
thanks again,
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Old 07-18-2006, 08:22 AM
neptune9824 neptune9824 is offline
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I had a moray zebra eel for years. I have been able to put any kind of fish with him and he has not even attempted to eat them. I know that the zebra is one of the best eels for a fish only tank. Mine was so gentle that you could pet him.

The only problem you could have is how big they can get. Mine was between 3.5 to 4 feet long before he died. I would suggest as least 180 gal tank. When I bought him he was about two feet. I had to make sure that his cave (they like to stay hidden) was big enough for him. In fact i found him one day stuck inbetween some rocks and the glass. I got him out however part of his body started to swell and he died about a week later.

My eel was very active though. Once he got use to his home he would swim all the time. Even when the light were on.
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Old 07-18-2006, 03:34 PM
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Keep them very well fed and you have a better chance of them not thinking their tankmates are snacks.

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Old 07-21-2006, 02:59 AM
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I have a snowflake eel in my FOWLR tank....he keeps to himself and doesnt bother the other fish I have.The Snowflake is one of the lesser aggressive of species. It has a fairly restful nature, is shy, but not so much as the Banded Moray (Echidna polyzona) or Zebra Moray (Gymnomuraena (formerly Echidna) zebra), and likes to hide with its head stuck out of its cubby hole most of the time. This eel generally will not disturb or be disturbed by other tank inhabitants, and can live communally with other eels as well. We feed our Juvie by hand it is quite neat to watch.....when he gets bigger, I dont think I'll stick my hand in there, as snowflake eels get quite agressive around feeding time! If you do decide to get one, make sure you have glass tops or egg crating onthe top of your tank cuz they are known to be escape artists! I dont have full tops and he has tried numerous times....I even had to whack him back into the tank once. Im constantly looking at the floor around my tank...just to be sure.....LOL! Good luck!
This is my guy Diego
130 gal FOWLR - Just setting up, waiting for tank to cycle.

65 gal Reef Tank - Snowflake Eel, Rusty Angel, 3 Blue Chromis', 2 Yellow-Belly Damsels, 2 Clowns, Neon Goby, 3 Cleaner Shrimp, 3 Camel Shrimp, Coral Banded Shrimp, Chocolate Chip Star.
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Old 07-21-2006, 07:03 AM
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If you are still thinking about my Fimbriated Moray ... the bicolour angel and the Goby dont stand a chance ... they are just too small and he wont be able to resist for very long if they happen to saunter by too slowly ... the trigger, tang and butterfly ought to be OK

As has been stated before ... keeping a eel well fed solves all kinds of problems ... but not putting temptation in front of a predator is wise advice too

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Last edited by Buccaneer; 07-21-2006 at 07:23 AM.
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Old 07-26-2006, 04:28 PM
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Blue ribbon eel seen one at AI coolest ever amazing color and reef compatible

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Old 07-26-2006, 11:52 PM
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Originally Posted by Murminator
Blue ribbon eel seen one at AI coolest ever amazing color and reef compatible

Very difficult to get eating.But if you can get one already eating you may have a good chance of success.Not sure about reef compatible as far as small fish go.
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