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Old 04-18-2006, 10:17 AM
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Default need help starting my nano

i'm currently running a 55g tank and i'm a rookie i guess since i've only been in sw for 7 months but i study constantly. i need your guys advice for a 10g nano i want to start. i have bought a 50/50 96w corallife pc for the tank, the tank came with a penguin mini filter and heater but i have a few questions. is skimmer necessary? what fish are really happy in a 10g. i dont want them to just survive, but do well. i'm going to get about 10 - 15 lbs of live rock depending on space. i'm really picky with my live rock. crushed coral about 15 lbs. for corals i'm thinking mushrooms, zoanthids, i would really like a brain but still unsure if the lighting is sufficient. maybe a frogspawn, hammer or torch. any advice would be really appreciated. i do weekly water changes now on my 55g so from what i've studied, i'm thinking i dont need a skimmer on the nano if i keep up with the changes. oh, another question, amount of flow needed? i thought maxijet 400 maybe 2. do i need the pengiun or should i remove it? thanks for any help

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Old 04-18-2006, 01:50 PM
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in a 10g if you want the water to stay good enough for the corals limit yourself to mabey 2 small fish,and instead of a powerhead why not get 2 filters to provide flow if you only keep 1 get a mj600 not the 400 i had 2 400's in my old 20g and i felt ripped off for my 60bucks,as far as the skimmer goes if you keeping corals i would get a prysm pro skimmer mabey a used one if possible just because the surface skimmer will keep the top of the water from getting that oily film wich can be a big pain/problem in a small tank.
but what the heck do i know
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Old 04-18-2006, 02:14 PM
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I would setup a 5 or 10g sump with a small skimmer on it. The tank will really benefit from the additional water volume, and you can keep all your filters and heater hidden which in a small tank is really nice. Or depending on your tank locations, hook the 10g and 55g together with a common sump.

In a 10g with a sump I would do:

Clownfish x 2
Green or yellow clown goby
Cleaner shrimp
Couple hermits

Under 96w lights I would keep:

Feather duster
Kenya tree
Star Polyps

If all goes well in a few months could try high up in the tank:
Candy cane

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Old 04-18-2006, 06:24 PM
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thanks alot. i have a prizm that i just took off the 55g but i was given the sales pitch on it when i first started, and because i didnt do enough research on it. so i upgraded it to a remora aqua c. i was thinkin of using the prizm on the 10g but i didnt know if it was necessary. my plan was to get a coule percula's but i wanted some input first. now with the maxijet 600 should i get an adapter to go that rotates for wave motion or is directing it off the glass sufficient.

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Old 04-18-2006, 09:11 PM
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I would use 2 powerheads, and direct them upwards and towards each other. This will give more random flow, and break the surface tension of the water for you.

You can always put the prizm on if you need it. You can run it occasionally as well, because it is a bit unsightly.

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Old 04-18-2006, 09:15 PM
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the prizm does look pretty bad on the back. thats a good idea for the orientation of the powerheads. currently i use maxijets on my 55g, would seio's be better in the nano or stick with some more maxijets. i find the maxijets quiet so im concerned about switching.

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Old 04-18-2006, 09:27 PM
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Seio's take up more room, so in a nano that should be a concern too.

I don't know about the noise factor for Seio's.

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Old 04-18-2006, 09:45 PM
dufferdan dufferdan is offline
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I agree with ReefGeek on on maxijets placement. I would use the skimmer, unless you plan on weekly water changes. (I would still use it regardless) I'm a big proponent of skimming, can't skim enough.
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Old 04-18-2006, 11:10 PM
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well i'll stick with my original plan of maxijets then. 2 X 600 model i think should do well. the penguin filter also puts off a nice current. hows the packing going dufferdan? i'm dying to set up the nano with the 96w but i gotta get some live rock first. tryin to convince the wife to go tonight. we'll see i guess

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Old 04-18-2006, 11:12 PM
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i'm going with a pair of perulas, but if i was to add a firefish in the mix, is the tank large enough? for the 3

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