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Old 03-09-2006, 01:44 AM
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Default Tang Splashing

My Powder Blue likes to splash at the surface. At first it was just along the back. I spent $100 getting some 1/2" plexi custom cut to cover the top along the back. Problem solved until the other day when "Splashy" decided to pull off it's antics at the front/right side. This is not good as my stove is right there.
I am wondering if anyone else has experienced Tangs splashing at the surface.
Is this a common trait for Tangs, or is my "Splashy" somewhat unique?
If it keeps it up I'm thinking of parting with it and getting another Tang as this is my main mechanism for algae control. But if all Tangs are known for this, well forget it.

Thanx much and cheers,
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Old 03-09-2006, 02:19 AM
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I've never had a tang do that, but I have a domino damsel inmy FOWLR that does the same thing. Usually only in the evening when the room is darker. I think it may be seeing its reflection in the glass and reacting to it with a show of aggression.
I retired and got a fixed income but it's broke.

50 gallon FOWLR, 10 gallon sump.
130 gallon reef, 20 gallon sump, 10 gallon refugium.
10 gallon quarantine.
60 gallon winter tank for pond fish.
300 gallon pond with waterfall.
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Old 03-09-2006, 03:58 AM
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I've never heard of it. I'd say that this tang just found something it finds 'fun' to do. Tangs are quirky that way...
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Old 03-09-2006, 03:58 AM
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It is probably one of the following in the order listed.

1. Your powder blue tang has a parasite that it is trying to get rid of.
2. Your powder blue tang is not getting enough oxygen (they are very active fish) due to a low oxygen level in your tank or it has developed some gill disease which is causing the tang problems.
3. Your tang is exercising by swimming against the current. Tangs are swimmers. That is why they need large tanks. Ony if the tang is healthy in all respects (clear eyes, active no blemishes, spots or redness on its body and its gills are healthy but your tank is small, consider giving it to someone with a large tank as you have suggested.

The reason why I think is is 1 or 2 is that powder blue tangs in particular are very difficult fish to keep. They often do well for a while and than decline for no apparent reason.

If you have not already done so, position a powerhead about 6-8 inches below the surface of the water. That provides more oxygen and gives the tang swimming exercise.
If this was a naso tang though, IME, it would be normal behaviour.

Last edited by naesco; 03-09-2006 at 04:04 AM.
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Old 03-09-2006, 05:01 AM
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Originally Posted by naesco
3. Your tang is exercising by swimming against the current. Tangs are swimmers. That is why they need large tanks. Ony if the tang is healthy in all respects (clear eyes, active no blemishes, spots or redness on its body and its gills are healthy but your tank is small, consider giving it to someone with a large tank as you have suggested.
Welcom back Naesco, his tank is a 180 and he never sugested giving it to some one with a larger tank but rather getting rid of it and getting one that doesn't splash. so I think the tosmall of tank thing is a N/A issue here.

I think I would tend to agree with you on the parrasite one, and maybe on the O2 as I can't remember if the tank is skimmed or not.

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Old 03-09-2006, 05:07 AM
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My buddys Large powder blue does that, mostly when hes eating tho...fighting all the other tangs for the nori i guess..
Why are red buttons always the most important?
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Old 03-09-2006, 05:34 AM
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Originally Posted by StirCrazy
Welcom back Naesco, his tank is a 180 and he never sugested giving it to some one with a larger tank but rather getting rid of it and getting one that doesn't splash. so I think the tosmall of tank thing is a N/A issue here.

I think I would tend to agree with you on the parrasite one, and maybe on the O2 as I can't remember if the tank is skimmed or not.

Yes, that's correct Steve. Tank is a 180. 228 lbs of LR, so lots of room. It is skimmed with a Prizm Pro (which I'm totally unhappy with and intend to upgrade). Only other fish in the tank are 1 Yellow Tang, 4 Green Chromis, 2 False Percs and 2 Mandarins, so its not overcrowding. The surface is well agitated with two corner overflows and one of the powerheads is directed toward the surface, so I'm quite confident it isn't an O2 deficiency. Three other Maxijets and 2 Seio 1500's on the go as well, so there is lots of current for it to swim against.
That leaves the parasite theory. Seems like a pretty damn healthy Tang, all 'round. Active as heck. Grazes frequently. No blemishes. Clear eyes. (When I first got it about 10 months ago one of it's eyes was a tad cloudy and that has actually cleared). No external signs of any duress. In the 10 months I have had it I have seen it with Marine Ich only twice and both times it was minor, exhibiting only a few spots. One of those times was after the switch from the 135 to the 180.
If it is a parasite it's internal.
I'm inclined to think that it's just something that this Tang likes to do. It's not constant, but often enough to be a concern.

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Old 03-09-2006, 07:17 AM
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My tangs are rarely around the surface unless I am feeding (naso and powder blue included). Are you skimming, heck yah...I hope so with those pigs ! Also tangs need a lot of food/feedings. Is he just surfing the surface for food? Do you feed nori twice daily?
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Old 03-09-2006, 12:16 PM
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Originally Posted by EmilyB
Also tangs need a lot of food/feedings. Is he just surfing the surface for food? Do you feed nori twice daily?
you feed your tangs??

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Old 03-09-2006, 02:42 PM
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Originally Posted by EmilyB
..... Do you feed nori twice daily?
No. I don't feed Nori at all. I'll try it.
Twice a day? Seems like alot. Shouldn't it be given the chance to eat other things too?

Thanx much and cheers,
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