Welcome to Canreef!
I know you have your dogface puffer in a 33 gal now and going to upgrade to a 72 gal (thats good) but they do get big and can grows up to 13 inches not to mention they can inflate 2x its size. The Dogface Puffer prefers a tank of at least 100 gallons with plenty of places to hide & swim. They do grow quite fast, are a carnivore that is always hungry, that likes to eat a variety of chopped meats (silversides, Krill, scallop, shrimp, squid, clam).
Dogface Puffers may act peacefully but will eat small fish (gobies, blennies, hawkfish, etc. Also loves to chase things with long tails, like boxfish...yiks! The puffer hunts at night. Making it also Not reef-safe, eats any inverts. WILL eat your shrimp, nip at clams and eat your snails and hermit crabs.
Since you can't have small fish but only have a small tank, your VERY limited for your 33gal now...larger clown perhaps. But 77 gal you could add a tang, coral beauty, really just FISH ONLY kinda fish.
They are really cool creatures and very personable. Although you may find he might not eat smaller fish now but puffer being small, he will get them later. They know everything in their tanks. Eyeing everything which is adorably cute.
I have found that these guys go good with porcupine puffers, bigger clown fish, yellow tangs, other tangs, niger tigger fish, but angels fish nip at the puffer and they seem to not like fast moving fish as they seem to like it kinda peaceful.
I have mine in with a large maroon clown and they do good together. My puffer even though small ate my longnose hawkfish. YIKS! And eyed my mandarin gobie. YIKS! I find they can go good with fish they can't fit in their mouth. Making it really only compatible with only "FISH ONLY" tank mates.
Hope that helps.