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Old 05-26-2021, 05:50 AM
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Default Cat teeth cleaning $1000.00 OMG

Not going to happen
Tell us your stories or whatever.
I'm not paying that much !!!!!
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Old 05-26-2021, 06:47 AM
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Yup, my vet has a vet tech that specializes in cleaning teeth and I got a quote of $2300 for 3 cats or roughly $800 per furball. Sorry, I do love my pets but it only carries so far I’ll get it done if medically necessary but beyond that they can live with some plaque.
My aquarium is nothing but a smorgasbord for my cats.....
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Old 05-26-2021, 12:59 PM
rayjay rayjay is offline
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My Havanese dog ended up with gum and tooth infections and the final bill was over $2,000 to remove teeth and clean remaining ones.
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Old 05-28-2021, 06:38 AM
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Hey Greg,
Check out my vet...
Willoughby Animal Hospital

Took great care of my dog (who was handicapped) and was very caring and honest
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Old 06-01-2021, 06:35 PM
broutilde broutilde is offline
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It's funny that I stumbled onto this thread...
I've been researching about dental cleaning in Vancouver for my cat since last year and decided to do it two weeks ago as my cat started to not chew but swallow his food. The tartar build-up on his teeth was pretty bad, he's 7 years old and never had a dental cleaning.
I got a few quotes here and there, most were 1k without blood work and before taxes. Most vets I called didn't want to give me a ballpark for whatever reason and always insisted that I would come for a a visit first (yeah ok, let's pay 150$ to be told that dental work would cost 2k so we can just not do it with that vet and be out of 150$).
The vet that I've been using occasionally quoted me 1200$-1900$ without blood work and before taxes!!!
What I did eventually is book an appointment in Langley at Thunderbird animal hospital and do the dental work there. I paid 450$ (which is still expensive for what it is) everything included (blood work and taxes), the quote was extremely straightforward. No add-ons, no pushing into buying more useless stuff, no hidden fees/services. I really liked that honest approach. The vet even called me to ask me if I wanted to remove a damaged tooth while he was doing the procedure, to make sure I was onboard. Eventually we both decided it wasn't necessary for now.
Best experience I had so far with a vet here in BC. (I'm from Europe).
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Old 06-01-2021, 06:39 PM
broutilde broutilde is offline
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Originally Posted by Dearth View Post
Yup, my vet has a vet tech that specializes in cleaning teeth and I got a quote of $2300 for 3 cats or roughly $800 per furball. Sorry, I do love my pets but it only carries so far I’ll get it done if medically necessary but beyond that they can live with some plaque.
The problem is that "some plaque" will attack the teeth, the gums, eventually damage the bones and all the bacteria will enter the bloodstream to create issues with other organs. So basically you'll end up paying more when it's too late and eventually endanger your pet's life.
It also depend on the pet itself...I had a cat who never had an issue with teeth and we never really had to get those cleaned up. But I had another cat who had terrible gum issues and dental cleaning was a must for her...
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