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Old 12-22-2019, 01:08 AM
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Default Anyone familiar with Apex fusion...a little help

Bloody hell. It all started when I was prompted to upload most recent software upgrade. Everything was going well. Clearly right near the end either I lost wifi connection of the upgrade itself went sideways because I lost wifi connection. Tried reboot....endlessly to no avail. Decided to log out and try login and hopefully reset. Bloody unit would take my username or password. Had Neptune support send me password reset and it worked, but still no connection. I’ve had a ton of other hang ups along the way. Over a week of crap. Finally decide to just do a total re start and go the setup route. Log out, now the bloody system won’t accept my username...about ready to go back to RKL, and Neptune customer support sucks ass!
Anyone that knows how to lend a hand feel free to text me. Please. (604)319-0317
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Old 12-24-2019, 06:36 PM
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im not familiar with apex but, this is what ive found...
its basically a factory reset and will let you start from scratch...

If you have the display module then follow these directions from Neptune:

When you initialize the Apex the FUSION link will be removed and, you will then need to re-link the Apex to your Fusion account:

*Initialization will erase corruption and everything else. Copy your programming onto a notepad or go to and print the summary.

If you wish start go to your Display Module and go to SYSTEM> INIT MEMORY> INIT ALL> YES
Everything will turn blinking orange
Wait 5 minutes
Check all your Apex Equipment everything should turn to back green status.
Make sure the internet connection cable is secure and connected.
Once the Display Module is back up go to SYSTEM> NETSETUP> DHCP(turn this ON) > RESTART.
Wait 2 minutes for the restart to finish.
Go to the Display when it starts up and look at APEXFUSION: option. It should say 'LINK'
Click on LINK twice, you'll get your special Code.
Go to and sign in
You will now need to remove your previous Apex Controllers like this image here. Click Remove.
Then go back to your Display and get a NEW link token.
Relink up to Fusion again.
- S H A O -
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Old 12-25-2019, 06:07 PM
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Apex has great step by step videos that help setup your apex however one of the biggest issues apex has is if you miss a step you end up banging your head against the wall

As was suggested reset to factory settings and start fresh and follow the videos step by step to setup

I have the hardwired system which is painful at times when it comes to updating but I have no experience with the new wireless system but same principle as wired
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Old 12-27-2019, 05:01 PM
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Neptune Systems insists that you use a hardwired (ethernet cable) connection when performing firmware updates. Its step 1 and 2 if you read the instructions.

"To update the firmware follow the following procedure:

First, confirm Apex is directly connected to your to your home Wi-Fi router.
Please do not do firmware updates over Wi-Fi

If connecting to Apex to your home router is not possible, see here

Second, connect the computer you downloaded the firmware on too with your Wi-Fi router via an Ethernet cable. Disable the wireless on that computer."
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