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Old 09-04-2019, 07:06 AM
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Default LF: Multi Item for future budget tank build. RED DEER

Hi guys it's been quite some time since I've been on here. But I am looking to fire back up again. But before I do I need to acquire some equipment and I'm hoping some of you guys might have but I'm looking for laying around. Anyways here's the list. Feel free to message me directly or on here.

-Submersible Sump Pump 1200 to 1500 GPH

-Controller for the discontinued AI Sol Blue 8 Puck LEDs. Can't for the life of me find a controller online. I understand that since it's discontinued I will need to use something like the aqua illumination controller. But even that is hard to find. If you guys have some ideas please let me know. And I really want to avoid doing the DIY route.

-Couple of filter socks

-good bucket of salt if anybody has one kicking around and they're looking to shut down. I could take that off your hands.

-Weir hang on back overflow system. The tank I'm going to be working on does not have a overflow and is tempered glass. So I need to use the weir system.

-Also looking for a water level shut off sensor for the sump pump.

-also in the market for cheaper plumbing materials I happen to be kicking around. Let me know what you have and I'll decide if I can work with it.

-Roughly 15 lb of live rock. I'm okay if it's been sitting in a bucket outside in the elements for years. I can boil it and treat it before I use it. Pretty much have to do that to all my live rock anyways.

-If anybody that's getting out of the hobby has a good test kit kicking around I could take that off your hands.

-And last but not least if you have any extra substrate kicking around such as a lovely sand. I can make that disappear.

Anyways this also means that once I get enough of this together there will be a future tank build thread started by me. Thanks to anybody who can help.
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Old 09-04-2019, 02:05 PM
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B NJ kb

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Old 09-04-2019, 07:47 PM
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Originally Posted by GoombaBC View Post
B NJ kb

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Yeah that's a good movie....
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Old 09-05-2019, 12:53 AM
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LOL! Sorry I was going to say if you have an Apex, I have an AWM I would sell for the Sols. Not sure if it works for the lights.
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Old 09-05-2019, 01:12 AM
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I do not have an apex controller would be ideal for me too. I believe the AWM is usable for the lights that came after the AI Sols. Like Hydras. I don't think it works for the AI Sols
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Old 09-07-2019, 08:12 PM
BuschWacker BuschWacker is offline
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I’ve just taken down my 46 Bow front. So basically everything is for sale. I’ve got hob overflow, hob skimmers, bubble magus in sump skimmer, sump, reef octopus dc return pump, ato controllers and pumps, and full apex system. A few full buckets of salt, 6 bulb ati light , etc etc. Ive been cleaning and dismantling all week, so most of it is good to go. Been taking pics and trying to figure out what everything is worth.

Edit, just re read original post, also have all my plumbing, and about 50-60 lbs of rock, would need to be cleaned, it’s been sitting outside since last week, and a full Home Depot bucket of sand. And an endless amount of test kits. I’ve accumulated many bins of supplies from other members over the years, most of which is collecting dust and taking up space. If your interested we can discuss what all you want before I make an official for sale thread.

Last edited by BuschWacker; 09-07-2019 at 08:18 PM.
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Old 09-08-2019, 03:07 AM
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Originally Posted by BuschWacker View Post
I’ve just taken down my 46 Bow front. So basically everything is for sale. I’ve got hob overflow, hob skimmers, bubble magus in sump skimmer, sump, reef octopus dc return pump, ato controllers and pumps, and full apex system. A few full buckets of salt, 6 bulb ati light , etc etc. Ive been cleaning and dismantling all week, so most of it is good to go. Been taking pics and trying to figure out what everything is worth.

Edit, just re read original post, also have all my plumbing, and about 50-60 lbs of rock, would need to be cleaned, it’s been sitting outside since last week, and a full Home Depot bucket of sand. And an endless amount of test kits. I’ve accumulated many bins of supplies from other members over the years, most of which is collecting dust and taking up space. If your interested we can discuss what all you want before I make an official for sale thread.
PM'd you! Thanks!
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