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Old 08-06-2014, 07:39 PM
coolhandgoose coolhandgoose is offline
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Default Overrun by Kenya trees

I have a forest growing in my tank. Any good tips for getting rid of a bunch of these? Should I just take the rocks out and try and scalpel them off at the base?

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Old 08-07-2014, 12:51 AM
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IMO they are just like Xenia and Anthelias grow like a weed and you can't get rid of them if you want to keep some of the Kenya trees take the ones you don't want out of the tank and scrape them off the rock don't do it inside the tank and I would epoxy the area it was attached to to stop it from re growing there as even a small piece will propagate again
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Old 08-07-2014, 02:10 AM
coolhandgoose coolhandgoose is offline
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So simply cutting off as much as you can as close to the rock as possible won't cut it? ( no pun intended)
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Old 08-07-2014, 02:28 PM
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They'll grow back from the base eventually.
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Old 08-07-2014, 02:52 PM
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Looks like you have a little clownfish roaming around in your tank. Does he have an anemone to call home? Reason I ask is 'cause my bubble tip anemone is about the best coral controller in the tank. At one point I was overrun by bubble tips since they kept splitting. Kept Kenya, unwanted palys & GSP under control. However, several moved close to some coral I didn't want to keep in check, like hammer & monti caps, but them's the hazards. Pretty much anything in our tanks except for valuable sps coral seems to be able to get out of hand. I managed to find homes for all my bubble tip clones, but it was tricky getting a couple of them out. Back down to a single huge BTA for my Maroon Clown pair.

Anyhow, you could try parking a bubble tip anemone in the middle of your Kenya forest. If you're lucky it will stay put, your clown will have a home, the Kenya coral around it will recede & all will be well in your water world...... for a little while! Of course if it doesn't stay put, your clown doesn't like it, you'll be cursing my advice.
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Old 08-07-2014, 03:30 PM
coolhandgoose coolhandgoose is offline
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Haha thanks mike.
I worry about anemones because I don't want it to roam and kill other things in my tank.
Might give it a shot after I do some hedge trimming.
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Old 08-07-2014, 04:32 PM
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Yes, no guarantee a nem will stay put. I've been fairly lucky but there has been unwanted damage. Someone with pricey sps will not want to take a chance I reckon. I'm ok with a predominantly softie/LPS reef and don't mind some of the oft shunned nuisance coral. I think Kenya's are pretty cool actually. I like the shape & growth patterns they have. Reminds me of one of my other hobbies, Bonsai. I simply look at controlling their spread as occasional tank maintenance.
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Old 08-07-2014, 05:03 PM
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Originally Posted by Dearth View Post
IMO they are just like Xenia and Anthelias grow like a weed and you can't get rid of them if you want to keep some of the Kenya trees take the ones you don't want out of the tank and scrape them off the rock don't do it inside the tank and I would epoxy the area it was attached to to stop it from re growing there as even a small piece will propagate again

+1. Cut them off the rock as close as you can, and cover the area they were attached to so they don't regrow.
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Old 08-07-2014, 08:01 PM
coolhandgoose coolhandgoose is offline
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The only problem I see is that fine I can epoxy the area, but they will still spread later. I think I'm just going to do some weed whacking and accept the fact that I have to stay on top of it.
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Old 08-07-2014, 09:12 PM
canadianbudz604 canadianbudz604 is offline
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Default Kenya

All I do is cut them off at the base and let them regrow, takes sometime to get them back. Kenya tree, pulsing Xenia, anthelia, colt, and Texas trash Palys are th weeds that never go away.
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