Everything for sale in picture, 60 gallon tank and stand with sump and around 90 pounds of live rock with a variety of diffrent zoas atleast 200+ heads, candy cane coral 150+ heads, frog spawn, 4-5+ Green bubble tip Anemones, Yellow tang, two black clowns, engineer goby, mandarin goby thats 7 months strong with huge copepod population, 250g bubble skimmer, cheato, crabs, snails, mag drive pump and more! . Want to sell it all as a package paid well over 3000$ includes LED lights and everything thing in picture will include everything else i have including test kits. So much for so little let me know what your willing to pay want it gone asap its been running 4 years strong! More included that not listed need gone asap. NO parting out so dont ask. Msg only.