Hosting? Or just good buddies
I guess I could have googled this but I think posting is a better way to learn. Anyway I have the obvious clown in the rbta and have heard of pistol relationships but in my tank I have two other "relationships happenin. althought I do realize it could be a number of reasons for this happening I thought id share and see anyone's other experiences. Ok so my sea cumber I bought to maybe stir up my sandbed is attached to my giant mushroom for three months now. Other is a starfish that harasses my clove polyps I think that's the name?. And my massive clown seems to hassle my rtba to the point it hides
150 gallon reef mostly softies/lps. 50 gal sump with bubble magnus skimmer/ Led fuge light/refugium/ 1200 return and tunze powerheads. Dual pharoah main tank led.4 pump dosser.
550 gallon stingray tank water drip system
150 bowfront. 75 turtle tank, many others