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Old 04-29-2014, 12:56 AM
ataller ataller is offline
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Default Selling Rimless Setup: LiveStock First [Ottawa]

Hi Guys and Gals,
I have been reefing for about 10 years now, and finally I am out of space and time for my reef tank. My current setup is a 48x30x18 rimless starphire tank. I would like to find someone to buy everything and take all the odds and ends I have collected. I started to put a list together about what I have spent on the tank over the years and gave up.

I run this setup with a basement sump, though I do not see why you could not integrate everything under the stand. I should also mention that lately I have been neglecting the tank and most if not all of my SPS died, I let the alk and calcium fall too low. But if one was inclined there is no reason why you couldn't grow any coral you could think of with this setup.

Anyways here is the list of what is for sale; Looking for $1500 for the livestock only; or $3000 for everything livestock and equipment

Live Rock: Various sources, I dont remember how much, 100 lbs? 200 lbs? I don't know sorry, enough anyways

Yellow Belly Regal Tang
Yellow Tang
TRIO (3) of Flame Angels
Red Velvet Wrasse
Ornate Leopard Wrasse
Kuiter's Leopard Wrasse
Two Onyx Clownfish in two nice bubble tips attatched to their own separate LR
Melanarus Wrasse
Male and Female pair of Manadrins [been in the tank for years, don't worry about keeping them alive]
Random Fairy Wrasse
Random Flasher Wrasse
Diamond Spotted Goby
1x Bartlett Anthias [he killed the rest years ago]
Various hermits and snails

Green and Purple Hammer [Size of a volleyball]
Orange Tip Torch
Purple Tip Frogspawn
Orange Tip Frogspawn
Purple Tip Hammer
Green Anchor Hammer
Various Zoas and Pallys
2 Clams [They are looking a bit sad lately]
Various Ricordea
Green tip Purple Plate
Green and Red Favia
War Coral
White Tip Green Torch

NB** I used to have a bunch of SPS but I have been neglecting the tank for a while now and I am pretty sure they are all dead, shame on me

Equipment: Will Sell after the livestock sells

48x30x18 Starphire Rimless Miracles tank. Black silicone. External overflow box with acrylic cover and black back wall.

Stand is just a 2x4 stand that I primed white, nothing special

Full Apex Setup,
The main box says lite but that is just a misprint on the sticker, you can see by the number of probe ports it is the full setup. (1) Extra EB8 power bar. pH, ORP and Temp probes.

Two Vortech MP40ws. The wet side of one just recently cracked, a new one will cost you $100.

Two Vortech backup batteries.

Sfiligoi 8 bulb, fan cooled, red, t5 bulb fixture. Bulbs are ATI and are getting close to 12 months old. Will need to be replaced.

Reefbrite Tech Strip. All blue, I have made some brackets to attach this to the T5 fixture.

Reeflo Wahoo UNO return pump. Baldor internals.

SuperReefOctopus 3000 INT.

Automatic Cleaning head for the skimmer.

Tunze Osmolator, auto top off

RODI setup which easily produces 0 TDS water. Has an inline TDS meter. I also have a handheld TDS meter.

Autotop off bucket with float switch and emerg drain

2x Bulk Reef Supply peristaltic pumps for 2 part

2 part reagents

2x Bulk Reef Supply Carbon and GFO reactors

Reef Octopus biopellet reactor

Testing supplies including a hanna phosphate meter

500w Titanium heater and a couple Ebo Jaeger heaters.

75 Gallon Rubbermaid Trough / Tub that I use as an extra sump / refugium.

Hammerhead wood magnet cleaner.

Any plumbing / valves / unions you can salvage.

Lots of other misc stuff I have collected over the years is yours if you want it to.

Here are some pictures:

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Old 04-29-2014, 03:27 AM
Nuttyreefer Nuttyreefer is offline
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Thumbs up Hi

I wound love the mp 40 if you part out
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Old 04-29-2014, 04:39 AM
jordsyke jordsyke is offline
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